• 2016
    The Year the Placemaking
    Movement Went Global

  • Placemaking Leadership Forum
    Conference Report

  • Southwest Airlines
    Heart of the Community
    Placemaking in 13 Cities

  • Transform Public Spaces
    Lighter Quicker Cheaper

  • Placemaking
    Leadership Council

  • Streets as Places
    Streets are for...

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Our Programs

Our partner to advance Placemaking in the global south.

A forum on the future of our cities. A collaboration between UN Habitat, Ax:son Johnson Foundation and us.

A program for rural communities to convert their own good ideas into reality.

Our partner in supporting and activating public spaces in the heart of American cities through the Heart of the Community program.

A program to advocate for bicycle-friendly and walkable communities.

A clearinghouse for Context Senstive Solutions resources funded by FHWA.