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SACOG About the Blueprint How the Blueprint Was Created Implementing the Blueprint Technology

Linking Land Use and Transportation

The SACOG Board of Directors adopted the Preferred Blueprint Scenario in December 2004, a bold vision for growth that promotes compact, mixed-use development and more transit choices as an alternative to low density development.

In 2008, the SACOG Board adopted the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for 2035, using the Preferred Blueprint Scenario as the basis for the land use on which transportation investments will be made. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan for 2035 links land use and transportation planning, with $42 billion in transportation investments in the six-county Sacramento region over the next 28 years.

Today, SACOG and regions across California are using Senate Bill 375, signed by the Governor in 2008, to encourage smart growth development aligned to transit investments to further encourage Blueprint implementation and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

With strategic investments in our current transportation system, we can curb the growth in traffic congestion each household experiences. We can create opportunities for residents of the region to spend less time in their cars, spend less money on gas, and protect our air quality while improving our overall quality of life.

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Blueprint: Then | Now | Next

5-year Anniversary of the Sacramento Region Blueprint

Event materials and videos now available

On April 2, 2010, the region came together to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments innovative Blueprint Project. The event included a look back at the development of the Sacramento Region Blueprint, highlights of implementation activities in all 28 local governments in the six-county region, and a look forward to the next big initiatives in a region renowned for regional collaboration. From general plans to new mixed-use and transit-oriented development, participants learned how the unique regional visioning project is bringing smart growth principles and performance-based planning to growth projected in the Sacramento region until 2050.

Blueprint implementation activities also include the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan for 2035 and the Rural Urban Connections Strategy (RUCS).

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