EPA National Library Network Newsroom

Revised Library Network Procedures - January 2017

As part of a regular review cycle, the Library Network recently updated the EPA National Library Network Policy and Procedures to reflect current best practices and technologies used by EPA libraries across the country.  The updated policy and procedures were reviewed by focused workgroups, the Library Network, the Office of Environmental Information, and senior management across the agency.  The next review cycle will begin in 2019. 

Conference Outreach - July 2016

The EPA National Library Network exhibited at the following conferences in 2016:

Conference outreach provides the opportunity to inform the professional library community about EPA library services, such as the publicly-available EPA National Library Catalog and interlibrary loan.  Representatives from the EPA National Library Network were on hand to meet with library community stakeholders and discuss their environmental information needs.  The Network also shared progress on the strategic plan and continued support for the EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment.

Library Network Annual Meeting - March 2016

The EPA National Library Network held its Annual Meeting March 9-10 in Washington DC.  This year's meeting focused on the four areas of the FY2015-FY2017 Strategic Plan: Library Services; Network Governance; Library Collections; and Communications, Outreach and Training.  Librarians from across the Network came together to discuss topics such as creating innovative library spaces, developing improvements to the Online Library System, and performing effective outreach to library patrons.