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Biological Opinions (ESA Section 7)

Biological Opinions document NOAA Fisheries' opinions on how Federal agency actions affect
ESA-listed species and critical habitat.

Biological Opinions issued since 2014 by the NOAA Fisheries Headquarters Office of Protected Resources are listed on this page, by action agency. Opinions specific to pesticide consultations with EPA can be found on the Pesticide Consultations page.

Older Biological Opinions (issued since 2010) can be found on the archived Biological Opinions page. Opinions issued by NOAA Fisheries Regional Offices can be found on those Offices' respective web pages. The Public Consultation Tracking System can also be used to search for Biological Opinions issued by NOAA Fisheries Headquarters and Regional Offices.

Army Corps of Engineers

Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Military 

National Science Foundation 

U.S. Geological Survey 

NOAA Fisheries: Scientific Research Permits 

NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected Resources: Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division

Bureau of Land Management

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management


Biological Opinions Issued by NOAA Fisheries Regional Offices 

NOAA Fisheries Regional Offices issue Biological Opinions on a wide range of actions including Federal fisheries, offshore oil and gas leasing and exploration activities, seismic surveys, dredging, offshore wind, and hydroelectric activities, among others. Biological Opinions issued by Regional Offices can be found on the web sites below:

More Information

Updated: August, 2016