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Tuna Conservation and Management

School of tropical tunas. 

U.S. harpoon fishermen hauling out a giant bluefin tuna. Photo Credit: Annabelle Murphy.

An international approach to the management of tunas and other highly migratory species, such as swordfish and marlins, is essential.  These powerful fish swim across international boundaries; in some cases, dozens of nations can be fishing on the same stock. 

The United States is a member of the following regional fisheries management organizations, which are responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and tuna-like stocks:

Within these organizations, the United States promotes the long-term sustainability of fish stocks through science-based management while working to ensure that new measures are fair and equitable to U.S.stakeholders.  Some of the most significant challenges include Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) fishing; bycatch of marine species that are not targeted; and the need for stronger data collection, reporting, and enforcement programs outside U.S. waters. 

For more information on tunas or tuna-like species, please contact Erika Carlsen ( 

For information on the status of tuna and swordfish stocks, please visit FishWatch.

ICCAT Advisory Committee