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We Can Help the People of Haiti
We aren't helpless in this terrible Haiti earthquake. This is all on the level. CNN is reporting more than $3 million in donations already.

Let's lend a hand...

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Caption This...


As extra incentive, these rockers and YBNBY will give the best comment either a YBNBY T-shirt or coffee mug.

Make your comment funny.

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Textual Healing

"The Book of Eli" ** (out of four): Another lone traveler wanders another post-apocalyptic landscape. This time, he carries a book. Who is this man and what's with the book? If that question is enough to keep you interested for two hours, you're all set.


Those of you who have read my review of the recent Cormac McCarthy adaptation, "The Road", know how I feel about the term "post-apocalyptic". But here we go again. "The Book of Eli" takes place in a (sigh) post-apocalyptic wasteland. All we know is that it's been thirty years since "the war" when "the sky was ripped open" and there was "the flash". Is it me or do these dystopic visions of the future give screenwriters an excuse to be lazy? What happened to civilization? We'll never find out. Are the survivors plagued by radiation? Fall-out? Who knows. While details would be nice, the script by newcomer Gary Whitta (former editor of "PC Gamer" magazine) adheres to the "less is more" philosophy. In this case, less ends up being exactly that.

Read more on BigPictureBigSound...

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Meanwhile on Letterman, Kiefer wears a dress

While most of the Internet are firmly in the court of #TeamConan, and plotting the demise of Leno, this type of stuff is happening on David Letterman.

Kiefer Sutherland lost a bet and wore a dress.

Folks, the best thing about this NBC fiasco is America can really concentrate on watching the funniest* adulterer on late night.

(*Funniest. You know, after Colbert and Stewart.)

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The Traveller Has Come
I think I can go now. Just needed to do a couple of things. I needed to help someone; I think I did ... You sleep now. Everything will be different in the morning.
With that, I bid YesButNoButYes adieu. I've had a great couple of months coming up with stupid videos and articles I thought you'd enjoy. But with Echowood back in action and with an unexpected offer to do some research on magnesium-tungsten alloy out of the country - this will be mostly my last post. Scaramouch has been kind enough to leave the door open should I find myself in possession of a video of a guy getting hit in the saddlebag by a baseball, or another audio tape of Echo and Johnny's Gay Vacation. Thanks for reading.
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Pat Robertson Blames the Tragedy in Haiti on Their "Pact with the Devil"
Further proof the world would be a much better place without Pat Robertson. Just because you put a "relief" number up on your television show, doesn't give you the right to slag the suffering inhabitants due to their "devil pact."

UPDATE: Here's an excellent post from BoingBoing explaining just how Haiti made a pact with the devil.
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Those damn Beatles are at it again

We all know The Beatles have been instrumental in destroying the fabric of America for almost 50 years.

I'm talking to you John, Paul, George and Ringo!

These men invaded America with their catchy pop music causing young people to want to hold hands. Their tunes made girls swoon, shake their fannies and hike up hemlines.


The Beatles influence on American males was worse. Suddenly the unsightly mop-top hair cut was all kids dug. The Beatles tarnished a perfectly respectable hair style: the flat top.

Boys began growing their hair and starting looking like women.

What followed? Hippies.
God damn, pot-smoking, sex-crazed hippies.

America is still feeling the affects of the Beatles subversion today.

Recently in Mesquite, Texas, a young boy was kicked out of preschool for refusing to cut his hair.
TALYORKID.jpg This rebel 4 year old, Taylor Pugh, is now fighting his Principal, his school and his Government. He believes long hair shouldn't matter, it's getting an education that's important. His parents agree.

Silly Pugh family.

Well, we stand with the reactionary school board in Mesquite when it voted to, "unanimously to enforce its ban on Beatles haircuts," and suspended Taylor.

Folks, we all know long hair distracts from learning. Boys cannot grow up to be a respectable members of our society, or learn their ABCs, if they don't have short hair.

If we don't continue to enforce decades old laws that make no sense, America is doomed.

And who will I blame? Those damn Beatles.

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The McNuggetini

Here are Alie Ward and Georgia Hardstark with the step-by-step process for making their most famous [or famous on the Internet] concoction: the McNuggetini cocktail!

It all holds together, until that first sip.

View their other ideas at Alie and Georgia.

Video found on Fark

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Earthquake Relief
Unless you've been held captive in a South American jungle by guerrillas, you are no doubt aware of the tragedy that stuck Haiti yesterday. Haiti is one of the poorest countries on Earth, and anyone who has seen the photos streaming out of the island nation over the past day can understand just how devastating this earthquake was. Not to get all Sally Struthers on you, but they need help. A lot of help. Any help. A few dollars or donations, and they'll be able to begin the long road to rebuilding. Check out these sites to see what you can do to help.

The American Red Cross
The Neges Foundation - a summer camp for kids that focused on environmental awareness and green living in Haiti.
Caritas International
Haitian Health Foundation

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Condom Hacks

Look at all the great things you can do with condoms! These are in addition to their intended use.

(via Bits and Pieces)

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