Dial-a-Buoy877-BUOY BAY

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York Spit - YS

Near Perrin, VA

Geolocation is 37.20063, -76.26598

Data in red are more than 12 hours old.
Parameter Group Sort Value Unit Date Graphs
Wind DirectionMeteorological165Deg. Mag.2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
Wave Direction (From)Waves325Deg. Mag.2020-12-17 22:00 EST1 7 30
Significant Wave HeightWaves31.67ft2020-12-17 22:00 EST1 7 30
Mean Wave PeriodWaves32.9s2020-12-17 22:00 EST1 7 30
Sea Nettle ProbabilityWaterQuality20%2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
Barometric PressureMeteorological130.2inches2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
Chlorophyll AWaterQuality24.27ug/L2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
Dissolved OxygenWaterQuality29.89mg/L2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
Current SpeedCurrents40.671kts2020-12-17 22:00 EST1 7 30
Current DirectionCurrents4315Deg. Mag.2020-12-17 22:00 EST1 7 30
LatitudePosition537.20072Degrees2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
LongitudePosition5-76.26622Degrees2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
Wind SpeedMeteorological111.3kts2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
Wind GustMeteorological114.2kts2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30
Water SalinityWaterQuality219.7PSU2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
Water TemperatureWaterQuality248.8F2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
TurbidityWaterQuality26NTU2020-12-11 09:00 EST1 7 30
Air TemperatureMeteorological139.6F2020-12-17 22:50 EST1 7 30

Captain John Smith was a frequent visitor to this part of the Bay; he passed the current-day site of NOAA’s York Spit CBIBS buoy at least nine times during his stay in Virginia: four times on his two round trip voyages of exploration up and back down the Chesapeake’s main stem in the summer of 1608, and five more times on his round trips to Powhatan’s capital of Werowocomoco—about 20 miles up the river—in the winters of 1608 and 1609.

Today, this part of the Bay gets frequent visitors as well—whether they be recreational boaters and sailors, commercial fishermen, or on behalf of maritime interests including the Coast Guard Training Station and Naval Weapons Station at Yorktown. The Virginia Institute of Marine Science is in Gloucester Point on the river’s north shore, just downstream from the Route 17 bridge.

Visit the buoy from Gloucester Point Beach Park.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the York River and areas surrounding the buoy, please visit:

For more in depth analysis please visit data tools.