Dial-a-Buoy877-BUOY BAY

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Upper Potomac - UP

Off National Harbor, MD, near Washington D.C.

Geolocation is 38.7877, -77.0357

Data in red are more than 12 hours old.
Parameter Value Unit Date Graphs
Barometric Pressure30inches2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Air Temperature42.1F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Chlorophyll A1ug/L2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Dissolved Oxygen10.2mg/L2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Current Direction9degrees2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Current Velocity0.19knots2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Heat Index42.1F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Latitude38.78766degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Longitude-77.03603degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Relative Humidity96.5percent2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Sea Nettle Probability0percent2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Conductivity0.03S/m2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Freezing Point32F2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Salinity0.2PSU2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Temperature45.9F2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Turbidity8.2NTU2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Wind Chill39.5F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Direction245degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Speed3.7knots2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Gust4.9knots2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30

Captain John Smith and his crew passed by this point twice in June 1608 as they explored the Potomac River in their unfruitful search for the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean. Smith and his explorers made it all the way up the river to its head at Little Falls, where they left their Discovery Barge and continued on foot to Great Falls.

Today, the area is a bustling metropolis, home to Virginians, Marylanders, and Washingtonians. Washington, D.C., our nation's capital, is a busy city -- but is just a few miles away from scenic natural areas on the Potomac.

The buoy is visible from both the Maryland and Virginia sides of the river from south of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Water access is available at marinas up and down both shores, including Belle Haven Marina, on the grounds of the George Washington Memorial Parkway.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the area surrounding the Upper Potomac Buoy, please visit:

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