Dial-a-Buoy877-BUOY BAY

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Patapsco - SN

Near Baltimore, MD

Geolocation is 39.15191, -76.39115

Data in red are more than 12 hours old.
Parameter Value Unit Date Graphs
Barometric Pressure30.03inches2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Air Temperature42.1F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Chlorophyll A11.5ug/L2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Dissolved Oxygen10mg/L2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Current Direction352degrees2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Current Velocity0.07knots2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Heat Index42.1F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Latitude39.15192degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Longitude-76.39102degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Relative Humidity100percent2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Sea Nettle Probability0.3percent2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Maximum Wave Height1.9ft2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Mean Wave Height0.6ft2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Mean Wave Direction186degrees2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Significant Wave Height0.9ft2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Mean Wave Period2.2s2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Conductivity1.71S/m2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Freezing Point30.5F2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Salinity15.1PSU2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Water Temperature47.6F2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Turbidity5.2NTU2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Wave Direction Spread35degrees2016-12-05 07:00 1 7 30
Wind Chill37.2F2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Direction248degrees2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Speed6.8knots2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30
Wind Gust10.1knots2016-12-05 07:50 1 7 30

"We passed many shallow creekes, but the first we found Navigable for a ship, we called Bolus (Patapsco), for that the clay in many places under the clifts by the high water marke, did grow up in red and white knots as gum out of trees." - Captain John Smith, 1608

Today ships are a common sight on the Patapsco River, which is home to one of the top ports in the world, the Baltimore Harbor. The shipping channels for this busy port are clearly visible on NOAA charts for the area.

Visit the buoy from Fort Smallwood.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before you head out.

For more information on the history of the area surrounding the Patapsco buoy, please visit:

For more in depth analysis please visit data tools.