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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

Nutrition, Food Safety, and Quality
Starke-Reed, Pamela
Deputy Administrator
5601 Sunnyside Avenue
GWCC 4-2188
Beltsville MD 20705

The mission of the Nutrition, Food Safety and Quality staff is to coordinate and lead ARS research to: define the role of food and its components in optimizing health for all Americans; develop tests and processes that keep the food supply safe; reduce and control pathogens and toxins in agricultural products; and improve the economic viability and competitiveness of American agriculture by enhancing the quality and utilization of agricultural commodities for the benefit of producers and consumers.

National Programs
  Nutrition, Food Safety, and Quality
National Programs
item Human Nutrition (NP #107)
item Food Safety (animal and plant products) (NP #108)
item Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (NP #306)

Staff Listing


Spotlights header image
 NP 107 Action Plan
Food Choices for Health
  Petri Dishes 

NP 108 Action Plan
Safe and Secure Food Supply

 NP 306Action Plan
Innovative Technologies to Expand Market Opportunities for U.S. Agriculture 


Last Modified: 12/7/2016
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