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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

You are here: Northeast Area Home/ Beltsville, Maryland (BARC)/ Beltsville Agricultural Research Center/ Bee Research Laboratory
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Evans, Jay Daniel
Research Leader
(301) 504-5143
BLDG. 306, RM. 315, BARC-EAST
Beltsville MD 20705

The Bee Research Laboratory (BRL) mission is to provide innovative tools and insights for building and maintaining healthy honey bee populations capable of supplying pollination and hive product needs. BRL scientists use microbiology, genetics, toxicology and fieldwork to improve the management of bee diseases and stress. Research is focused on interactions between parasites, chemical stress and nutrition along with the defenses mounted by bees and beekeepers toward these threats. In addition, the BRL provides authoritative diagnoses of bee diseases and pests and participates in longterm disease monitoring programs aimed at reducing honey bee losses.

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