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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

You are here: Northeast Area Home/ Beltsville, Maryland (BARC)/ Beltsville Agricultural Research Center/ Systematic Entomology Laboratory
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Miller, Gary L
Research Leader
(301) 504-6896
BLDG. 005, RM. 025, BARC-WEST
Beltsville MD 20705

The Systematic Entomology Laboratory conducts research to: 1) develop comprehensive classifications, hypotheses of relationships, and identification tools for insects and mites on a world basis in support of U.S. agriculture and natural resources; 2) provide identifications and associated taxonomic services to Federal, state, and private organizations involved in research and action programs; 3) develop and maintain, in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution, the U.S. National Collection of Insects and Mites, a vital resource for insect and mite research and identification services; and 4) develop digital and molecular identification tools and databases of taxonomic and biological information.

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 General Information

Identification Requests

How to Use a Key for Insect Identification

SEL's Slide-mounting Tutorial Videos

SEL and collections: a presentation at 2010
Entomological Society of America Meeting

Acari Icon  Acari

Flat Mites of the World

Coleoptera Icon  Coleoptera

Cerambycoid Primary Types of the Smithsonian Institution

Diptera Icon  Diptera

 A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World, 3rd Ed. (2014) (pdf)

Systema Dipterorum: The BioSystematic Database of World Diptera

Hemiptera Icon  Hemiptera

Asa Fitch's Aphid Notes

Leafhopper Species Checklist

Treehopper Immatures Project

Hymenoptera Icon  Hymenoptera

Hymenoptera Holotypes of the USNM

Online Key to Nearctic Chalcidoidea

Learn about the HYM Course

USNM Hymenoptera Gigapan Project

The Chalcid Forum Archives

Lepidoptera Icon  Lepidoptera
  Gelechioidea - Dr. Mark A. Metz
  Specimens curated in the U.S. Entomological Collection
  Noctuoidea - Dr. Paul Z. Goldstein
  Specimens curated in the U.S. Entomological Collection
  Pyraloidea and related families - Dr. M. Alma Solis
  Key to Selected Pyraloidea Larvae Intercepted at U. S. Ports of Entry
  Specimens curated in the U.S. Entomological Collection
  Tortricoidea - Dr. John W. Brown (emeritus)
  Online World Catalog of the Tortricidae
  Specimens curated in the U.S. Entomological Collection
   Types of Tortricidae
   Yponomeutoidea - Dr. Mark A. Metz
  Specimens curated in the U.S. Entomological Collection


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