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The Knight Science Journalism program at MIT offers full-year fellowships, and week-long workshops to journalists to increase their understanding of science, technology, engineering, medicine and environment. KSJ also tracks and comments daily on science and health stories around the world.

Should you stock up on Tamiflu?

The evidence for its effectiveness is far less convincing than you might think.

Lead and Crime

Has lead been overlooked as the explanation for the drop in crime?

The lists of best (etc.) science stories for 2012 - Higgs is easy winner.

Tracker Charlie Petit sorts out 2012.

A moment of silence...and then time for some hard work from science reporters.

While political reporters chew on the political ebb and flow, it's up to science journalists to separate the myths from the facts regarding gun control, mass shootings, and mental illness.

Never mind what they say: Voyager is not leaving the solar system.

But it is entering interstellar space.

First we get proof of heaven; now the secret of immortality.

The New York Times stumbles badly in discussing whether a jellyfish holds the key to human immortality.

Fermi space telescope to get software fix for 'woefully stupid error.'

Sometimes even the smartest space scientists screw things up. It's reassuring.

In defense of Nate Silver: Pundits reveal their misunderstanding.

Election modeling is a lot like weather forecasting, but you can't tell that to certain veteran political observers.

Why did NPR blogger watch 14 hours of The Weather Channel? And a serious point about weather coverage.

The Weather Channel and its extreme weather freaks are not giving us what we need.

Newsweek's last print edition will appear on Dec. 31.

Newsweek will be 80 years old next year--or it would have been.

The ACE score: A unified-field theory for psychology?

Diagnosing adverse child experiences could slash the suffering--and the costs--of obesity, alcoholism, addiction, and other serious and chronic ailments.

Does coverage of whole-genome scans promise too much or too little?

As the sages say, only time will tell.

Barry Commoner dies

An almost-forgotten pioneer of the American environmental movement is remembered in the obituaries.

CNN: Worst "cancer-cure" hype ever?

Go to the Tracker to add your favorite cancer hype story in the comments!

Dennis Overbye finds black holes--in Chelsea!

And, happily, he avoids being sucked in.

An Issue to Watch: Arctic Riches Exposed as Ice Melts

For some people, climate change could prove exceedingly profitable.

Stanford authors of organic food study face petition drive for retraction of their "fatally flawed" study

Petition links Stanford study to everything that might be wrong with the food supply.

National Academies award science writing prizes

Winners and winning teams will each receive $20,000.

Sept. 11 health program expanded to cover 50 kinds of cancer in first responders

But is there evidence that exposure at Ground Zero caused cancer?

What happened to the poster children for OxyContin?

A dozen years later, things haven't worked out the way anyone would have hoped.

Arizona Star: Tom Beal Crossing the finish line: 100 stories in 100 days

An Arizona science writer runs a marathon, writing 100 science stories in 100 days.

Could Paul Ryan mature into a conservationist?

A New Yorker columnist takes an optimistic view--perhaps too optimistic--of Paul Ryan's potential as a conservationist.

The future of Discover magazine's blogs

Publisher says the distinguished blog network will survive the nearly complete replacement of the editorial staff.

Adapting Journalism to the Web: Experiments and Ordeals on the News Frontier

Jay Rosen, New York University, Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, with discussant, Ethan Zuckerman, director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and a principal research scientist at the Media Lab.

Energy, the Media and You: Behind the scenes with top science reporters

Panelists: Eli Kintisch, Alister Doyle, Hepeng Jia, Joyce Murdoch

  • Should you stock up on Tamiflu?
  • Lead and Crime
  • The lists of best (etc.) science stories for 2012 - Higgs is easy winner.
  • A moment of silence...and then time for some hard work from science reporters.
  • Never mind what they say: Voyager is not leaving the solar system.
  • First we get proof of heaven; now the secret of immortality.
  • Fermi space telescope to get software fix for 'woefully stupid error.'
  • In defense of Nate Silver: Pundits reveal their misunderstanding.
  • Why did NPR blogger watch 14 hours of The Weather Channel? And a serious point about weather coverage.
  • Newsweek's last print edition will appear on Dec. 31.
  • The ACE score: A unified-field theory for psychology?
  • Does coverage of whole-genome scans promise too much or too little?
  • Barry Commoner dies
  • CNN: Worst "cancer-cure" hype ever?
  • Dennis Overbye finds black holes--in Chelsea!
  • An Issue to Watch: Arctic Riches Exposed as Ice Melts
  • Stanford authors of organic food study face petition drive for retraction of their "fatally flawed" study
  • National Academies award science writing prizes
  • Sept. 11 health program expanded to cover 50 kinds of cancer in first responders
  • What happened to the poster children for OxyContin?
  • Arizona Star: Tom Beal Crossing the finish line: 100 stories in 100 days
  • Could Paul Ryan mature into a conservationist?
  • The future of Discover magazine's blogs
  • Adapting Journalism to the Web: Experiments and Ordeals on the News Frontier
  • Energy, the Media and You: Behind the scenes with top science reporters