LAST GASP: Feel The Magic!

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Once in a blue moon this neighborhood even catches me with my pants down. Or in this case: while uploading video footage. Therefore I can only bear witness to what I beheld fifteen minutes ago: a horde of zombies headed down Green Street to their final destination, the Mark Bar. Before doing so they took a moment to menace the Viridian. We’re talking howling caterwauling, clawing and tapping umbrellas against windows. Simply put, it was beautiful.

This one’s for you, Zombie Crawlers. From the bottom of my heart!


Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Cat Lover’s Delight

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Franklin Street


Greenpoint Avenue


Carpet Store Cat

The above window might look familiar to a number of you. It was once the sunbathing spot of choice for H. Temkin Carpets & Linoleum’s most famous furry employee: Noel. She may be gone, but she will not be forgotten.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Special Halloween Edition

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Crazy People, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

trickortreatersToday was a very busy day.

First it was awakening to the sound of our cat Frances rather noisy preamble before vomiting upon a pile of books. I managed to move her before she discharged a solitary, runny and repulsive fur bullet. In so doing  we (this was a team effort) managed to knock over a glass of water and ruin some photographs I had laying around. This is not the way I like to start my day. But sometimes that’s the way the kitty cookie crumbles.

After hammering away on the” blog” I rushed to McCarren Park to judge this year’s contestants for the 3rd Annual District Dog Halloween Parade and Costume Contest. I will not lie to you (and I suspect my fellow judges will agree with me when I write this): it was tremendously stressful. So many great costumes, but only so many prizes.

Upon discharging my doggie duty I met up with north Brooklyn’s very own beat reporter extraordinaire, Aaron Short, for a quick interview. Once I saw him off safely on the bus I proceeded to the junk shop so I could fulfill my (un)official role as candy giver. The Mister couldn’t understand my sense of urgency. The fact of the matter is I take the responsibilities which come with such a sinecure (doling out teeth-rotting treats) very, VERY seriously. I serve only the best to 11222’s youth: Snickers, Kit Kats, Milky Ways and Butterfingers. What’s more, it’s fun.

officerI thoroughly enjoy interacting with the children of this neighborhood. They’re great kids. The adults, on the other hand, can be problematic. CASE IN POINT: a drunk (at 3:30 p.m., I will add) fifty-something woman (sipping a can of beer in a paper bag FROM A STRAW) demanding I give her candy. I refused. She, in turn, grabbed my arm (A BIG NO NO) and implored me once again to give her candy. I, once again, refused. She then took it upon herself to take the matter up with my co-worker (who I presume she took for “management”). To no avail.

For the next five minutes this woman (if you can call such a creature that) ranted and raved on the sidewalk for the passerby’s edification. At one point she found two young boys dressed up as police officers. She begged these petit officers to arrest me. Later I was told by one woman in the audience she mentioned something about getting a gun. I replied:

She can get a gun. She’s still not getting any candy.

And she didn’t. Intuiting that she was not going to receive anything in the way of confectionary from yours truly she left for greener pastures. I later saw her toting home six cases of beer. So it goes.

Needless to say when I got home I was sorely in need of some peace and quiet. Nothing doing. The following comment was awaiting my moderating touch. Atlas9 writes (in regards to this post):

I don’t understand the problem, sure bloomberg is going for a third term; but he did it by the books. Why freak out about it? He isn’t being dictatorial, and he sure hasn’t made himself chancellor of NYC, so where is the fundemental problem? The guy wants to stay in office… So that all depends on the election. And the election is democratic, so he is essentially following the democratic process. Also, I canvass for bloomberg in the downtown Brooklyn area, and I can tell you I am no hipster. Just as you were so taken aback from the real estate agents, the same applies here. Don’t be so quick to judge. I am here to engage you and others in the area on the democratic process. If that isn’t something you like then maybe you should consider living in a less important area outside of NYC. But If I were you I would appreciate the fact that bloomberg is playing fair and by the books, and that’s something you have to respect. So please, let’s all relax and try to enjoy a small slice of democracy in our increasingly un democratic world. (emphasis mine — Ed. Note)

P.S. Don’t be rude to me when I come knocking. I don’t mind if you don’t like bloomberg and I am more than willing to listen to what you have to say.

Here’s the deal folks: I have neither the energy nor the inclination to deal with Atlas9’s polemic about the democratic process as it pertains to Bloomberg at this moment. I suspect many of you, dear readers and fellow citizens, might. If so, please tender your thoughts in the comments (or via email— you can do so via my “tips” page”). All I ask of you, fellow citizens, is to to keep them as civil as possible.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Slide Show du Jour: Dogs On Parade

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


As promised, here’s a slide featuring highlights from today’s dog parade and costume contest at McGolrick Park. Enjoy!

On that note, dear readers, I am off to cook up a little Halloween fun (and food)!

Miss Heather

And the winners are…

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

There ended up being so many great contestants at the District Dog Halloween Parade today my fellow judges and I had a very hard time deciding picking a winner! In fact, we decided to hand out six instead of three honorable mention awards just to give recognition where we felt it was due. On that note— and without the further ado— here are the best dressed dogs in Greenpoint!


Frida KahloNYS

Frida Kahlo

Liver Flukenys

Liver Fluke


Major Wonder

Amelia EarhartNYS

Amelia Earhart


Log of Fire



Eyeore BackNYS



3 HeadsNYS






I want to give props to all the folks (and their pups) who participated in today’s parade. You’re all winners as far as I’m concerned. This evening I will not only post a slide show from today’s festivities but also (paws crossed) some video footage as well. So stay tuned!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, November 2, 2009: You can read a fellow judge’s take of the 3rd Annual District Dog Halloween parade and costume contest by clicking here.

P.S.: As you have probably noticed I have only listed five out of the six Honorable Mention winners. This is because I have forgotten who the sixth winner was! Any and all help jogging my memory (via email or comments) would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Southside Photo du Jour: Hey Ladies…

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

(Or gentlemen)


For those of you who are without a date this All Hallow’s Eve I would like to  bring to your attention this handsome (and very naked) gent from South 4 Street. Exactly why a scrap metal business possesses such an item— much less has it for sale— I do not know (and I did not ask). However, be advised that this chap’s company will set you back a cool $75.00. This may sound like a king’s ransom to many of you but just think of the money you’ll save on dates!

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: I Do

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

I do

From Frost Street.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos du Jour: Special Halloween Edition

North 6 StreetNYS

This is without argument my favorite day of the year. For this reason I put together slide show of spooky stuff from the greater Williamspoint area to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Enjoy!

Have happy (and safe) Halloween everybody!

Miss Heather

Happy Halloween From New York Shitty!

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


This delightfully demonic clown hails from Greenpoint’s very own Habitat. This establishment, as I have already mentioned, will be hosting a “Freak Show” starting at sunset tonight! Those of you who are intrigued by (or simply need a refresher about) this event can learn more by clicking here.

Happy haunting!

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Autumn in Greenpoint

October 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 



These lovely photographs (which capture the feel of the season impeccably) come courtesy of algul siento. Great shots!

Miss Heather