Partnership for Safe water logo

dam and reservoir

Working together to optimize water systems

The Partnership is an unprecedented alliance of six prestigious drinking water organizations. The Partnership's mission is to improve the quality of water delivered to customers by optimizing water system operations.  The Partnership offers self-assessment and optimization programs so that operators, managers and administrators have the tools to improve performance above and beyond even proposed regulatory levels.


Treatment Plant Optimization

Man at SCADA systemTreatment plants have consistently improved water quality and received valuable recognition with customers and regulators. Utilities report performance improvement without major capital spending.

Access Treatment Program resources

Distribution System Optimization

Distribution pipesThe Distribution System Optimization Program provides resources for assessment and improvement of drinking water distribution system operations and performance.

Access Distribution Program resources

Awards & Recognition

Award imagesRecognizing water treatment plants and distribution systems for their optimization and water quality achievements, Partnership awards provide positve recognition throughout the water community.  Learn what's required.

Partnership award checklist (PDF)

Resources and Partnership Details


eye glasses and notebook

The Partnership follows established requirements for reporting data. Learn about the processes for completing reports.

Access requirements and reports


treatment basin

A 1993 cryptosporidiosis outbreak led to the creation of the Partnership for Safe Water.  Today, more than 200 utilities across North America participate in the Partnership's optimization programs to improve the quality of water delivered to their communities.

Read our Fact Sheet (PDF)


executives collaborating

Partnership subscribers benefit in many ways from their commitment to treatment plant and distribuiton system optimization.  Access a list of current program subscribers.
Treatment program

Distribution program subscribers


AWWA logo

The Partnership is administered by AWWA, which provides additional services and resources for utilities and plants.  Navigate this website to learn more about AWWA's member resources.

  AWWA website



Call us at: 303.347.6169

Fax us at: 303.794.6303


The Partnership for Safe Water is an alliance of six drinking water organizations:

AWWA logo

ASDWA logo

NAWC logo
WRF logo

Join Us!

Utilities subscribe to the Partnership for Safe Water to ensure delivery of safe, high quality water.

Partnership awards promote system excellence with the public and regulators; and materials let utilities create connections with the media and officials to share their outstanding achievements.

Subscribe to Treatment Program (PDF)

Subscribe to Distribution Program (PDF)