Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Why are so many Social Media Managers dipshits?

Wrote another post for Vice. Read.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Better than any big budget shoe ad I've ever seen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

copyranter on VICE: Prudential Presents: The most depressing financial commercial ever produced.

I will be, starting today, writing somewhat regularly for Vice.
Today's post is about a new ad by "The Rock".
Basic plot: The world is a cold place where losers die. Fuck you. Signed, Prudential.
(story link).

Rolling Stone Lou Reed tribute ad.

Via Italy.
Ad agency: DLV BBDO, Milan.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A bombastic vintage trade ad that could never run today.

(click to enlarge)
Judging by the typeface, it looks like a 1980s ad.
It was a trade ad advocating the power advertising, by Texas ad agency The Richards Group.
The copy reads:
"How did Coke succeed where history's most ambitious leaders failed? By choosing the right weapon. Advertising." Via.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This Wendy's cashier should be promoted immediately.

Via reddit, where of course the comments are filled with racist morons.
This woman wins fast food service and Halloween forever.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Red Bull won Social Media yesterday.


"Sharknado" balsa wood glider is the coolest promo item ever.

 (click to enlarge)
I want one. It's that simple. I'm writing the ad agency.
The agency press note: "To get radio DJs and TV reviewers talking, writing and tweeting about the New Zealand TV debut (on Prime TV) of Sharknado ... DraftFCB Auckland delivered them giant balsawood kitset shark 'gliders'. Proving that fear really can take to the air."
Previously in: Cool Promo Items.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Tide "Carrie" Vine is a perfect use of the App.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

New campaign for UN Women is a perfect example of why simple ideas are always the most powerful.

Click ads for enlarged view. Images via.
Google autocomplete has been the source of lazy blog post humor for years.
But a new campaign by Christopher Hunt, creative at Ogilvy & Mather Dubai, uses the dynamic for shocks instead of laughs. He says this about the ads:
This campaign uses the world's most popular search engine (Google) to show how gender inequality is a worldwide problem. The adverts show the results of genuine searches, highlighting popular opinions across the world wide web."
It's hard to read on these low res scans, but the birdseed type above the search boxes reads: "Actual Google search on 09/03/13." These searches were done in Dubai, but some of the same results turn up in U.S. searches — which is disgusting and disheartening.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Brilliant ambient ad for "Gravity"

Or, just a bad tape job.
(Click to enlarge, via)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Twidiot of the Day — Wheat Thins.

Twitter needs a FUCK YOU button.
Previously in: Twidiots of the Day.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Banksy's tribute to 9/11.

As part of his one month NYC street art project "Better Out Than In," Banksy created this Twin Towers scene a couple of blocks from the World Trade Center site. The flower is a dahlia, which "symbolize the eternal bond between two people” — according to The Dusty Rebel, who was the first to find the piece today. Click images to enlarge.

BAM! Breast Cancer, Cured.

Are you aware that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month?!? My Mom might be, since she had breast cancer last year (now in remission). My Dad may be aware of it, since he's my Mom's husband, and since he has incurable multiple myeloma, the absolute worst form of cancer that our loving "God" has come up with it.
Also aware of it: this stupid business with bubble windows that kind of look like boobs. Way to do your part, stupid fucking business with booby windows. Via.
NOTE: If you know where this business is, please comment so I can jump on a plane and pay the place a visit, first stopping off at a hardware store to pick up a sledgehammer
UPDATE: It's a yoga center.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monster.com exploits government shutdown with brilliant fake jobs ad

Finally, an advertiser parks one vis-à-vis the government shutdown.
Monster posted this ad today on their website.
As you can see the positions are "SENIOR LEADERS, U.S. Government."
The advertiser is: "The people of the United States of America."
The copy is nicely derisive:
• Must be able to balance a checkbook.
• No past political experience required.
The disclaimer at the bottom of the posting reads:
Disclaimer:  This is not a real job posting.​  To become a real Member of Congress, you need to be elected and meet other qualifications besides those listed here.​  For more information see Article I of the United States Constitution.​

Slow. Clap. Monster.com.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dr. Neil Clark Warren needs to get the hell out of eHarmony's ads.

If ever there was a CEO who should not be a spokesman, it's this fervently anti-gay marriage freakazoid.
Here's what he has to say about his parents' marriage, which lasted 70 years: "They had a nice marriage, but they were not a very well-matched couple… My dad was just so stinking bright, and my mom was so sweet, but she was two standard deviations below him in intelligence."
Isn't that sweet and thoughtful.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Top 5 BuzzFeed Post of the Month.

• The most epic shit-related ad ever.
• 20 uniquely smart business card designs.
• Latest Guinness commercial gave me the chills.
• Brilliant award-winning Romanian tourism campaign (above, 10 ads total).
• One of the biggest con jobs in advertising history (vintage Lysol douche ads).

Thursday, August 22, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• 10 fake ads some people think are real (above).
• the most brutal domestic violence awareness ads (trigger warning).
• the 15 funniest cat GIFs of the Summer.
• Newcastle's "No Bollocks" campaign is the best beer advertising right now.
• and, the 20 funniest banned commercials.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week (last 2 weeks).

• How to kiss a girl (sly 1911 ad).
Meth ads — nothing but Meth ads (20 ads).
• Hate children? Then watch this glorious commercial.
• 11 brilliant ads that don't need any copy (example above).
• Even in 2013, Axe ads continue to objectify women.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week (well, last 2 weeks)

• Accurate corporate logos.
• The six most popular Creative Director outfits.
•New Wendy's logo has a dark subliminal message.
• 10 more retro ads that made women look like idiots.
• Teen girl dating advice from the 1950s (very strange Kotex ads, one of them, above).

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• Sex used to sell the most unsexy products (17 ads).
• Your gym is punk-ass compared to this Ukrainian one.
• 10 more vintage ads that made women look like idiots.
• 10 of the best ever unconventional ads (one above).
• and, the violent exploitation of women in fashion advertising continues.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• On the subway (10 photos).
• Fabio picking up men at Whole Foods (5 photos).
• "Million Moms" knickers knotted over Kraft naked hunk ad.
• 10 scary vintage Dutch work safety posters.
• And, the most offensive fashion ad of the year, via Beirut.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• What the human face will look like 100,000 years.
• These prostitute posters (above) aren't what they seem.
• Which of these 8 commercials will win the Grand Prix at Cannes?
• 10 best local business ads of the month.
• Best sex PSA ever — Ricky is caught masturbating.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the last week.

• The 10 smartest ads of May.
• Cute interracial couple Cheerios spot provokes major shitstorm.
• If companies had realistic taglines (above).
• 6 best photos found on reddit in the last week.
• Feel good post: children's cancer center rebrands chemo as "SuperFormula"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

10 ads that pissed off everybody.
• 10 funny spelling and grammar mistakes (above).
• Scary/awkward product packaging (12 photos).
• More Great and Terrible local business ads (one, two).

Sunday, May 12, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• Now this is a tattoo.
• Six most awkward stock photos of the week (above).
• More of the best/worst local business ads/taglines (link, link).
• High-tech child abuse poster is revolutionary, but it is effective?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

Chernobyl, 27 years later (above, 20 photos).
• 22 longer sex condom ads from around the world.
• 10 funniest cat GIFs of the week.
• A stripper's one day take in tips (photo).
• And, the first ever Saudi Arabian female abuse awareness ad.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Top 5 BuzzFeed Posts of the Week.

• The best Gun Control commercial ever produced?
• One of the best newspaper headlines ever written.
• Three impressive pieces of feces (above, a bizarre laxative campaign).
• Alarming anorexia ads put blame on fashion designers.
• And, 10 more amazingly stupid things client say.

Monday, April 08, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• The very best ads from the Mad Men era (12 ads, one above).
• Most deceptive ads in advertising history (inflatable doll ads of 1971).
• The most powerful child abuse ads ever produced.
Barbie — without make-up.
• And, 20 funny cat GIFs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• 13 more of the most offensive fake ads of the year (above).
• Brilliant new Lindsay Lohan Louis Vuitton ad.
• What The Fuck ad of the week features a farting Muslim.
• A most disturbing Domestic Violence Ad.
• And, the worst collection of First World Problems ever.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• More very awkward stock photos.
• 10 smart copywriting tips from the homeless.
• 10 more billboards greatly improved by graffiti.
• More of the best/worst local business taglines.
• And: the smartest strip club sign ever.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• The 21 most offensive fake ads of the year (above).
• NYC's shameful new teen pregnancy ads.
• This woman is Dunkin' Donuts' employee of the century.
• Amazingly awful newspaper headline of the year.
• 16 XL condom ads from around the world.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• You think your apartment is cramped?
• Next Ad Medium: thighs of Japanese girls.
• Creepy Photoshopped kids look like adults (six ads).
• The funniest commercial ever with Nazis in it (seriously).
• "One Million Moms" say Geico commercial promotes bestiality.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• 12 best/worst local business taglines.
• Tylenol Valentine's Day ad mocked frigid women.
• Mini Cooper UK ad wins the Horsemeat Scandal.
• 10 worst brand Facebook updates of the month.
Last meals of executed innocent men (Amnesty International ads).

Sunday, February 10, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• A cover letter to end all cover letters.
• Great Walking Dead ad installation.
• Generic Brand Cat Food Cat hates you.
• The best Super Bowl commercial didn't run during the game.
• Meet America's Overly-Attached Mayor (above).

Monday, January 21, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• 15 funny Creative Confessions.
• 12 worst PETA ads of all time.
• New Gay Las Vegas ads glibly mock straight people.
• More of the very worst "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks.
• Subway's amazingly stupid Facebook response to the Footlong controversy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• Not your everyday bony-ass model.
• Social Media Fuck-up of the Year (so far).
• 16 Tui Beer Billboards (via New Zealand).
• Creepy sexual molester bus-stop poster (via Singapore).
• This Garnier print campaign will probably win Gold at Cannes.

Monday, January 07, 2013

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week

• It's not often you see a dildo in a non x-rated ad.
• The most annoying word of 2012 — according to Marist.
• The best job ever for a cat lover.
• The amazing street art of Aakash Nihalani.
• The 10 dumbest WonderBra ads.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Top 5 BuzzFeed Ad Posts of 2012.

• Men's magazine demeaning Facebook image banned.
• The sexiest, coolest bus commercial ever.
• Six best billboards of the last six years.
• Finally, date rape ads that put the onus on the raper.
• The most kick-ass Old Spice ad yet.

Friday, December 28, 2012

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• 10 sleaziest ads of 2012.
• 12 best of the worst stock photos of 2012.
• When you pick the wrong font...
• The best marketing stunt of 2012.
• Merry Christmas, from your lawyer...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• The 7 absolute worst ads of 2012.
• Six commercials that really pissed people off this year.
• The 8 most insane ads of 2012.
• 14 pathetically bad corporate Facebook updates (above is one).
• End of the world sex ads via Durex.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

top 5 BuzzFeed posts of the week.

• The 12 best print ads of 2012.
• Finally, Date Rape ads put the onus on the rapist.
• This may be the best Tech ad of the year.
• The raunchiest...toothpaste commercial ever.
• 8 controversial...cookie ads.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Did a German ad agency steal an idea to make these charming Lego ads?

(click, via)
Hamburg's Jung von Matt last week flooded the Internet with this admittedly very appealing campaign for Lego. But, was the idea was ripped right from a Google Image search?
Who cares, right? That's what we do: appropriate, and call it our own.
We'll see what the Gods of Cannes say.
Anyway, how many of these Lego cartoon characters can you I.D.?
See comments for answers.
And click here to see three previous Cannes Lion-winning Lego campaign.