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  • Study Pinpoints How Slowly Some AK Corals Grow

    Study Pinpoints How Slowly Some AK Corals Grow

    Jan 13: Corals provide a refuge for fish, but can be injured by disturbances. A new five-year study reveals that one species of Alaskan coral can take 60 years to grow to full size -- and may grow even more slowly in a warming ocean.

  • Aerial Technology Aids Cook Inlet Beluga Whales

    Aerial Technology Aids Cook Inlet Beluga Whales

    Dec 18: NOAA Fisheries launches aerial technology to help stranded endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales, one of our Species in the Spotlight.

  • Field Guide: Nearshore Marine Fishes of Alaska

    Field Guide: Nearshore Marine Fishes of Alaska

    Jul 20: If you’re a fish biologist in Alaska, download a copy of this Handy Field Guide for your next expedition. And if you’re not, download one anyway. The pictures are awesome and the field guide is free.

  • Studying Mining Impacts to Red King Crab Habitat

    Studying Mining Impacts to Red King Crab Habitat

    June 25: The Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region is researching marine mining impacts on red king crab habitat in Alaska's Norton Sound.

  • What’s the Status of Invasive Species in Alaska?

    What’s the Status of Invasive Species in Alaska?

    June 24: Invasive species, or species that are introduced to a new area where they have the potential to cause harm, could significantly affect the ecosystems that make Alaska so productive for fisheries.

  • Exploring Cimate Change Impacts on Arctic Species

    Exploring Cimate Change Impacts on Arctic Species

    Apr 29: Today, NOAA Fisheries scientists released the findings of two research projects that shed light on how climate change may affect some Arctic marine species.

  • Art Meets Science on the Alaska Coastline

    Art Meets Science on the Alaska Coastline

    Dec 15: Take a look at incredible images from ShoreZone, an online database that’s sort of like a Google Street View for the Alaska coastline. Learn more about how NOAA Fisheries and other agencies use ShoreZone data and images.

  • NOAA Selects Kachemak Bay as Habitat Focus Area

    NOAA Selects Kachemak Bay as Habitat Focus Area

    Nov 19: NOAA is designating Kachemak Bay, Alaska, as its next Habitat Focus Area. Kachemak Bay is valuable for its recreational, subsistence, and commercial fishing, marine transportation, tourism, and threatened and endangered species.

  • The Bycatch You Can’t See

    The Bycatch You Can’t See

    Jul 28: Researchers tackle unseen crab mortality in Alaskan groundfish fisheries, win best paper award.

  • Researching Ecosystem Effects on Fish Populations

    Researching Ecosystem Effects on Fish Populations

    Apr 9: Scientists seek to understand how physical and biological forces combine to drive fish productivity in the Gulf of Alaska.

  • Protecting Threatened Ice Seals

    Protecting Threatened Ice Seals

    Mar 13: How do NOAA Fisheries scientists protect threatened ice seals? Watch our video to learn the science behind their protection.

  • The Abundant—But Not So Tasty—Giant Grenadier

    The Abundant—But Not So Tasty—Giant Grenadier

    Jan 13: If giant grenadier were tasty, you’d likely find it on the menu at your favorite seafood restaurant. Instead, find out what scientists are learning about this prolific, albeit not so tasty, deep-water fish.
