Squid Capacity Amendment

The Council is developing this amendment primarily to reduce the capacities of the longfin squid and Illex squid fleets. The Council is considering this action because there is considerable latent capacity in both fisheries - a small portion of vessels with limited access squid permits account for the majority of landings in most years, and the Council is concerned that activation of latent capacity in the squid fisheries could lead to excessive fishing effort and increased catch of non-target species.  As part of the Amendment, the Council is also reevaluating the Trimester rollover and closure provisions.  The Council has identified buffer areas around Nantucket/Martha's Vineyard as a possible separate action for 2017.

This action is in development - The next scheduled Council meeting relevant to this action is the February 2016 Council meeting, when the Council is scheduled to approve a public hearing document and possibly identify preliminary preferred alternatives.  The next FMAT/technical meeting will be 10:30 am January 6

Summary of the alternatives the Council has selected for additional analysis


Jason Didden - (302) 526-5254, jdidden@mafmc.org

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