Sampling Stations Page

Site Description
Station Information
Category: Perturbed Continental
Collaborating Institutes: ARM, Department of Energy
WMO/GAW station information page
Status: Operational July, 1994
Site Info: Contacts:
Main trailer: (580)388-4053

FedEX shipping address:
309600 EW28
Billings, OK 74630-2045
Links: In-situ Aerosol Profiles
Photos and Drawings: New Mexico fires during May of 2000
Fires during July of 1999
SGP Photos
Station flow diagram
The Southern Great Plains station is funded and operated by the Department of Energy/Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (DOE/ARM) program. NOAA/ESRL/GMD serves as a mentor for the ARM aerosol observing systems (AOS).

SGP Aerosol Properties Plots

Statistical Summary Plots - Multi-year record of final aerosol and atmospheric property data.

Do not quote or cite.

Atmospheric Properties

These plots are designed to provide a quick look at the measured aerosol properties. They display raw unedited data, but known corrections for instrument errors have been applied.

Short-Term Status Plots (last 48 hours) Long-Term Averaged Plots (hourly averages, last 30 days)
Extensive Parameter SummaryExtensive Parameter Summary
Spectral CoefficientsSpectral Coefficients
Spectral Coefficients (Humidified)Spectral Coefficients (Humidified)
Intensive Parameter SummaryIntensive Parameter Summary
Intensive Parameter Summary (Humidified)Intensive Parameter Summary (Humidified)
CCN Fit ParametersCCN Fit Parameters
Wind Speed and Direction Plot Not AvailableWind Speed and Direction Plot Not Available
CNC Status/FlowsCNC Status/Flows
CCN StatusCCN Status
PSAP StatusPSAP Status
CLAP AbsorptionCLAP Absorption
CLAP StatusCLAP Status
Nephelometer Background ReferenceNephelometer Background Reference
Nephelometer Background Reference (Humidified)Nephelometer Background Reference (Humidified)
Nephelometer StatusNephelometer Status
Nephelometer Status (Humidified)Nephelometer Status (Humidified)
Temperature, Humidity and Dew PointTemperature, Humidity and Dew Point
Filter Status Plot Not AvailableFilter Status Plot Not Available
uMAC StatusuMAC Status
Aethalometer EBC Plot Not AvailableAethalometer EBC Plot Not Available
Aethalometer Status Plot Not AvailableAethalometer Status Plot Not Available

Summary Status Plots

One Year Summary Status Plots Time Series (Entire Record) Summary Status Plots
Nephelometer StatusNephelometer Status
Wet Nephelometer StatusWet Nephelometer Status