In late 1862, the French painter Édouard Manet recorded in his studio notebook that the model Laure posed for a portrait in his Paris studio. A few months later, she returned to pose for the maid in Manet’s master work, Olympia, which portrays a naked prostitute propped on pillows and staring brazenly at the viewer as her servant brings forth a floral offering.

the audience at a "Women Creating Change" forum pose together in an auditorium

Attendees at the "What We CAN Do When There’s Nothing to Be Done: Strategies for Change" symposium gather in solidarity. Photo by Clark Jones

Maya Tolstoy

Maya Tolstoy, interim executive vice president and dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

News Feed

black and white photo of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg while she was a student at Columbia Law School
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (LAW’59) has made history since her student days, when she tied for first in her graduating class, and again in 1972 when she became the first woman to join the Law School as a tenured professor. An online exhibit, “Sincerely, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” features exclusive archives that illuminate her commitment to gender equality as well as her wit and legal savvy.
Rafael Yuste

Photo courtesy of Columbia University

Rafael Yuste, a leader in the development of neurotechnologies that could cure many mental and neurological diseases, is also spearheading a worldwide effort to ensure these powerful tools are used ethically.
John Judis
John Judis’s last book was beyond prescient. It explored the nativist and nationalistic forces on the right and the left and its long-term impact. Two months after it was published in September 2016, Donald J. Trump won the presidency.
Ravi Tomer
Raju Tomer has won a NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, for his pioneering work in developing new technologies for high-resolution mapping of brain structure and function.