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Featured Research

Accelerated Arctic warming. Simulations by global climate models show that when sea ice is in rapid decline, the rate of predicted Arctic warming over land can more than triple.

Events: Next 2 Weeks

When: Monday, 25 June 2012, at 12:00 pm to 29 June 2012
Location: CG1 Auditorium(full)
WRF Users' Workshop

When: Monday, 25 June 2012, at 3:30 pm
Location: ML Main Seminar
Regional climate change projections for Hawaii - preliminary results
Kevin Hamilton, (University of Hawaii) - Speaker's Homepage

When: Sunday, 8 July 2012, at 3:30 pm
Location: FL2 1001
Response of tropospheric aerosols to changes in anthropogenic emissions over Europe during the 1990-2009 period-a regional air quality study with COSMO-ART
Christoph Knote, (ACD)

...see all events...

Recent NESL Publications

Modeling high-impact weather and climate: Lessons from a tropical cyclone perspective 2012-06. James Done; Greg Holland; Cindy Bruyere; L Leung; Asuka Suzuki-Parker. [OpenSky] [PDF]

The isotopic record of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric carbon monoxide since 1950: implications for the CO budget Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012-05-16. Z Wang; J Chappellaz; Patricia Martinerie; K Park; V Petrenko; E Barstow; Louisa Emmons; T Blunier; C Brenninkmeijer; John Mak. [OpenSky] [DOI] [PDF]

Simulations over south Asia using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model with Chemistry (WRF-Chem): Chemistry evaluation and initial results Geoscientific Model Development, 2012-05-11. Rohilla Kumar; Manish Naja; Gabriele Pfister; Mary Barth; Christine Wiedinmyer; Guy Brasseur. [OpenSky] [DOI] [PDF]

Impact of January 2005 solar proton events on chlorine species Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012-05-10. A Damiani; B Funke; Daniel Marsh; M Lopez-Puertas; M Santee; L Froidevaux; S Wang; C Jackman; T von Clarmann; A Gardini; R Cordero; M Storini. [OpenSky] [DOI] [PDF]

Observational needs for sea ice models: Short note 2012-05-01. F Massonnet; Alexandra Jahn. [OpenSky] [PDF]

Addressing climate challenges in developing countries EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 2012-04-03. Simone Tilmes; Andrew Monaghan; James Done. [OpenSky] [DOI]

Impact of trash burning on air quality in Mexico City Environmental Science & Technology, 2012-03-29. Alma Hodzic; Christine Wiedinmeyer; Dara Salcedo; Jose Jimenez. [OpenSky] [DOI]

Global variations of HDO and HDO/H₂O ratios in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere derived from ACE-FTS satellite measurements Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2012-03-22. William Randel; Elisabeth Moyer; Mijeong Park; Eric Jensen; Peter Bernath; Kaley Walker; Chris Boone. [OpenSky] [DOI]

Hydroxyl radical and NOx production rates, black carbon concentrations and light-absorbing impurities in snow from field measurements of light penetration and nadir reflectivity of onshore and offshore coastal Alaskan snow Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2012-03-09. J France; H Reay; M King; D Voisin; H Jacobi; F Domine; H Beine; C Anastasio; A MacArthur; Julia Lee-Taylor. [OpenSky] [DOI]

The relative importance of chlorine and bromine radicals in the oxidation of atmospheric mercury at Barrow, Alaska Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2012-03-03. Chelsea Stephens; Paul Shepson; Alexandra Steffen; Jan Bottenheim; Jin Liao; L Huey; Eric Apel; Andrew Weinheimer; Samuel Hall; Chris Cantrell; Barkley Sive; David Knapp; Denise Montzka; Rebecca Hornbrook. [OpenSky] [DOI] [PDF]

FY2011 NESL Annual Report

The 2011 NESL Annual Report is now available at:


NESL Research Topics

  • Science of Weather Prediction
  • Global Atmospheric Dynamics
  • Physical Meteorology
  • Atmospheric Photochemistry
  • Oceanography and Cryosphere
  • Land Biophysics and Biogeochemistry
  • Experimental Meteorology
  • Earth's Middle Atmosphere
  • Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing
  • Climate System and Climate Change
  • Paleo-Climatology
  • Global Water System
  • Regional Climate