CORS Data Products

GPS data collected at CORS sites are available to download for "post-processing."

Data Availability and Retention Policy

Methods of Obtaining CORS Data

  1. Customized
    User Friendly CORS (UFCORS)

  2. Standard

  3. Anonymous FTP
    Primary server - Directory Tree
    Alternate server - Directory Tree

CORS Coordinates and Timeseries

Published coordinates at CORS Explained
Predict horizontal displacements with HTDP

Metadata / Station Logs

Station/site log files contain all the historical equipment (receiver/antenna) used at that site, approximate location, owner and operating agency, etc.  We must stress that the the position/coordinates listed in the log file like that in the RINEX header files should be considered APPROXIMATE.  When a user downloads data they should at the same time download the published NGS coordinate (position and velocity) file for that site.  You can find that file here.

Show Directory of All Logfiles

An ascii file that lists for all CORS all historical and current data used. This ASCII file is based on the master list used by NGS to process data. This file is updated every day.

A sortable list of all CORS sites and their status is available

CORS Site List (kmz)     This zip file contains a kml file named cors_sites.kml which list all of the NGS CORS sites. It also contains a file of images in order to run Google Earth simply by clicking the file after you download it. Otherwise you may right click the link and save the file and can unzip it. You may need to rename it with a .zip extension.

Antenna Calibrations

Upload Your L1/L2 GPS Data To NGS For Processing

Online Positioning User Service (OPUS)

Beta Products

Real-time Data Website