
The U.S. fruit and tree nuts industry consists of a wide array of crops and products generating, on average, over $25 billion in farm cash receipts annually. Produced on only less than 2 percent of U.S. agricultural crop land, farm cash receipts from this sector account for 13 percent of the total receipts for all agricultural commodities and 7 percent for all crops. Foreign markets serve as outlet for less than 20 percent of overall U.S. fruit and tree nut supplies while nearly half of the available supplies for domestic consumption come from imports. ERS monitors fruit and tree nut markets and provide the following:

  • Current and historical data on supply, use, value, prices, and trade for the sector and for individual commodities;
  • Outlook reports and interactive summaries three times per year, providing current intelligence and forecasts on changing conditions in the U.S. fruit and tree nuts sector; and
  • In-depth analyses of production, consumption, global production and trade, prices, and conditions and events affecting the fruit and tree nuts sector and specific commodities.