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Close up of fish swimmping in a river. BLM Oregon photo.

Fisheries and Aquatics

The Fisheries and Aquatics Program manages and works to conserve aquatic ecosystems and all species of fish, wildlife, and invertebrates that live in BLM aquatic habitats.

The BLM manages the nation’s most ecologically diverse aquatic habitats, ranging from isolated desert springs to Alaska’s North Slope tributaries.  The habitats total 132,000 miles of fish-bearing streams and rivers, 3 million acres of lakes and reservoirs, 150,000 miles of riparian areas, and 13 million acres of wetlands.  Aquatic resources on BLM-managed public lands support the nation’s aquatic biodiversity, support public recreation, and help sustain Native American cultural heritages.

Learn more about our national and state management activities.


Three men gather water samples in Cunningham Creek in Colorado. BLM photo.

The BLM partners with national and local organizations to promote and education the public about healthy fish habitat.  Read more.

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Learn about Lamprey on the Sandy River in Oregon.  Check out our entire fisheries playlist on @BLMNational YouTube.