
National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020

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National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020

On July 30, 2015, the White House released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States: Updated to 2020. This updated Strategy reflects the hard work accomplished and the lessons learned since the original Strategy was released in 2010. Moreover, it incorporates the scientific advances that could one day bring the United States, and the world, closer to virtually eliminating new HIV infections, effectively supporting all people with HIV to lead long and healthy lives, and eliminating the disparities that persist among some populations.

Retaining the original vision and four main goals through 2020, the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy includes the following changes:

  • Revised Steps and Recommended Actions under each of the Strategy’s four goals to reflect past progress and activities to meet those goals
  • Quantitative Indicators to better monitor progress.
  • Integration of the objectives and recommendations of both the HIV Care Continuum Initiative and the Interagency Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence against Women and Girls, and Gender-Related Health Disparities

Read the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020

Key Areas of Focus

The Update allows for opportunities to refresh the ongoing work in HIV prevention, care and research. Advances in four key areas are of critical focus for the next five years:

  • Widespread testing and linkage to care, enabling people living with HIV to access treatment early.
  • Broad support for people living with HIV to remain engaged in comprehensive care, including support for treatment adherence.
  • Universal viral suppression among people living with HIV.
  • Full access to comprehensive PrEP services for those whom it is appropriate and desired, with support for medication adherence for those using PrEP.

Last revised: 01/20/2017