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About Coast Survey

    President Thomas Jefferson created the U.S. Coast Survey in 1807 to provide nautical charts that would help the young nation with safe shipping, national defense, and maritime boundaries. Two centuries later, Coast Survey – now an office within NOAA – continues to provide navigation products and services that ensure safe and efficient maritime commerce on America’s oceans and coastal waters, and in the Great Lakes.

    Innovative applications beyond navigation emerge as researchers harness evolving technologies. These advancements give Coast Survey tremendous opportunities to help the nation meet the challenges of the changing environment. Applying the newest advancements for survey and detection, data adds to our scientific knowledge of the coastal seafloor. With this knowledge, we can simulate sea level effects on coasts and ecosystems, identify sensitive marine habitats, select alternative energy sites, identify geological hazards, and predict the impact of environmental conditions on species and habitats.

Rear Admiral Shepard Smith - Director of Coast Survey
Rear Admiral Shepard M. Smith (Bio) -
Director, Office of Coast Survey

To reach Coast Survey staff

  • Rear Admiral Shepard Smith is the director of the Office of Coast Survey. He can be reached at director.ocs@noaa.gov
  • Please submit charting discrepancy information here. General contact information is provided here.
  • Most of Coast Survey staff are located at 1315 East-West Highway, SSMC3, Silver Spring, MD 20910. NOAA provides a staff directory for individual phone numbers.
  • Navigation managers are stationed in port areas around the U.S., and their contact information is provided here.
  • Additionally, the Atlantic Hydrographic Branch is located at 439 W. York St., Bldg 2, Norfolk, VA 23510. Email AHB.Chief@noaa.gov.
  • The Pacific Hydrographic Branch is located at 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Email PHB.Chief@noaa.gov.
OCS Org Chart

Page last edited: January 18, 2017

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