
The Legacy of the Cookie Directive

Saira Nayak
Director of Policy, TRUSTe


According to the UK ICO’s latest report into cookie compliance they have received only 550 complaints, compared with 53,000 about unwanted marketing communications. TRUSTe’s analysis of the impact of the directive revealed that the majority of users were choosing to accept advertising cookies.

So, after a year of intense discussion and compliance headaches for EU companies, what will be the lasting legacy of this legislation?

I recently asked David Smith, the Deputy Commissioner at the ICO that very question. He responded:

One of the legacies [for the EU Cookie Directive] is actually for businesses to begin to think before they adopt new technologies, or other new developments, and make sure they’re privacy friendly.
Because actually if you turn the clock back to long before the Directive, leaving cookies on someone’s property without consent or even notice appears quite wrong. You’re putting some piece of text on my system, my device, which identifies me to you. And you’re doing it without even telling me, let alone getting my consent. That doesn’t feel right even though it had become common practice. So, the idea that you should have consent for cookies is actually correct. It’s just a challenge trying to sort of retrofit and rectify the status quo.” Read the rest of this entry »


Will the new COPPA Rules Effect TRUSTe’s COPPA Safe Harbor Program?

Jim Rennie
Sr. Product Counsel | TRUSTe

Today, the FTC announced new amendments to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) rules.  COPPA focuses on the collection and use of data concerning children under the age of 13.  COPPA was first enacted in 2000, the new rule amendments are intended to update the law and bring it in line with current technologies and practices.  The new rules go into effect July 1, 2013.

TRUSTe’s COPPA Safe Harbor program has been a leading compliance solution for companies seeking to serve the needs of children and their parents online.

As a leader in online privacy compliance, TRUSTe has always strived to set a bar for certification that is above the bare minimum required.  This philosophy helps to smooth the transition sparked by rule changes such as this one, as many of the changes are already incorporated into TRUSTe’s program requirements and our best practice recommendations.

For example: under the new rules, geolocation data will be considered Personal Information which may not be collected without parental consent.  Not only has TRUSTe required geolocation data to be treated as Personal Information for several years, we have also required transmission of such information be encrypted in order to enhance consumer safety.

Similarly, under the new rules unique identifiers such as mobile device IDs and IP addresses are considered Personal Information.  TRUSTe has been advising our client for some time that our understanding of Personal Information includes exactly these types of identifiers. Read the rest of this entry »


December 14th Webinar: Mobile App Privacy Legal Enforcement Begins – Are Your Apps Compliant?

This Friday, December 14th, TRUSTe is hosting a webinar on the Enforcement of Mobile App Privacy Law. TRUSTe experts Saira Nayak, Director of Policy, and Joanne Furtsch, Director of Product Policy, will share what it means to be compliant with the CalOPPA Act and whether your company is in danger. If your company has a mobile app, or a mobile website, it may be at risk of significant monetary penalties ($2,500 per app download) and negative media coverage. The law may still apply even if your company is not based in California, or if you only offer free apps.

On October 30th the California Attorney General’s office gave a 30 day notice before they were going to start actively enforcing the Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA). On December 6th, they announced their first lawsuit which charges Delta Airlines for neglecting to comply.
We can help you:

  •  Learn about CalOPPA and what it means for your company
  •  Learn best practices for developing and implementing a mobile privacy strategy
  •  Find solutions to help your organization avoid costly mis-haps Read the rest of this entry »


TRUSTe Privacy Pioneers and Mavericks Series: UK ICO David Smith Talks Data Privacy with TRUSTe’s Saira Nayak

TRUSTe Pioneers and Mavericks - David Smith

Continuing our celebration of thought leaders and innovators in the data privacy industry, we are delighted to release our 2nd interview in our recently announced TRUSTe Privacy Pioneers and Mavericks Series. David Smith, Deputy Commissioner of the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) sat down with TRUSTe’s Saira Nayak to gain his perspectives on data protection – both as a UK regulator and a member of the Article 29 Working Party – and to discuss those important incentives that underlie effective privacy protection for both consumers and businesses in all jurisdictions.

When asked about the UK’s approach to compliance with the Cookie Directive, he explained that

“you might call it a ‘risk-based approach.’ The extent of action we as an enforcement authority would take depends on the risk to privacy. The more risk that there is detriment to an individual including not just financial endangerment, but also emotional upset or distress, the more seriously the need for action becomes.” Read the rest of this entry »


Get On The Fast Track To Mobile App Compliance

Last week the California Attorney General’s office filed a lawsuit charging a major airline for failure to comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act.  In order to eliminate legal risk, protect your brand, and maintain trust with your customers, you should conduct a comprehensive review of all of your mobile properties.

In order to help companies accelerate their mobile privacy review, and ensure compliance with the law, we have launched the TRUSTed Mobile Apps Fast Track Certification Program.  The program includes all of the benefits of our standard mobile apps privacy certification, plus a fast-track option which enables you become compliant in as short as one day.  TRUSTed Mobile Apps includes:  Comprehensive App Data Privacy Review, In-depth Findings Report and Compliance Action Plan,  Certified Privacy Policy, TRUSTe Certified Privacy Seal, Mobile Optimized Hosted Privacy Policy Engine, Implementation Assistance, and Dispute Resolution Service.  For more information on the program, see the Program Brief. Read the rest of this entry »


TRUSTe Powers Billions of Privacy-Safe Mobile Ads

Melissa Pereira
Corporate Communications Director | TRUSTe

Today, we announced more than a dozen new customers have selected TRUSTed Mobile Ads as their mobile advertising privacy management platform of choice.

TRUSTed Mobile Ads is the industry’s first and only comprehensive mobile advertising privacy management platform. Launched earlier this year, the TRUSTed Mobile Ads solution has now reached significant scale and serves more than one billion privacy-safe mobile ads. The suite of products and technologies helps marketers who are striving to invest in digital marketing as their global customers spend more time online and with mobile devices.

“TRUSTe commends the entire advertising community for its early adoption of privacy best practices for mobile,” said Chris Babel, CEO for TRUSTe. “As evidenced by our research, consumer mobile privacy concerns are rising and outpacing other online markets. TRUSTed Mobile Ads addresses the top challenges for the mobile ecosystem by educating consumers about how interest-based mobile advertising works from the start and giving them the choice to manage their preferences – right from their smartphone or tablet. By building trust for emerging technologies, TRUSTed Mobile Ads provides a critical bridge between new and innovative advertising opportunities and consumer concerns.”

The ability for businesses to target audiences with meaningful and relevant messages is still in its infancy for several reasons. Firstly, the ecosystem is fragmented with multiple systems. Secondly, consumers lack insight and awareness of preference management solutions and how they provide access to persistent ad preferences and controls. TRUSTed Mobile Ads unifies these disparate pieces of the ecosystem to provide an easy-to-use solution for businesses to share with consumers to understand privacy and their rights when it comes to individual choice and informational notice. Read the rest of this entry »


Mobile App Privacy Legal Enforcement Begins – Is Your App Next? Major Airline Sued For Mobile App Privacy Violations

Dave Deasy
VP Marketing | TRUSTe

On October 30th the California Attorney General’s office announced they were going to start actively enforcing a law requiring mobile apps to have and conspicuously post a privacy policy.  Companies were given 30 days notice to comply with the law.

On December 6th they announced their first lawsuit – charging Delta Airlines for neglecting to comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act.  You can read the full announcement here.

If you have a mobile app, or a mobile website, your company is at risk of significant monetary penalties ($2,500 per app download) and / or negative media coverage.  Even if your company is not based in California, or if you only offer free apps, the law still applies to your company.

If you have not already done so, you should expedite conducting a full review of all your mobile properties to ensure you are in compliance with the law. Read the rest of this entry »


Millennial Media Selects TRUSTed Mobile Ads to Build Consumer Trust for Mobile Advertising

Melissa Pereira
Corporate Communications Director | TRUSTe

Today, we announced that Millennial Media has chosen TRUSTed Mobile Ads as its premier data privacy management solution to help its global client base build trust with consumers and deliver innovative technology and services through its mobile advertising and data platform in accordance with the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) principles.

“By integrating TRUSTe’s proven data management solution into our platform, we are giving our customers the best tools available to build trust with their target audience,” said Ho Shin, General Counsel and Chief Privacy Offer for Millennial Media. “With global compatibility, TRUSTed Mobile Ads also supports our customers’ worldwide mobile marketing objectives by adhering to industry-leading standards of privacy in the U.S. as well as internationally.”

Partnership Follows DAA Model to Support Innovation and Protect Consumers

Through the TRUSTe Mobile Ads implementation, Millennial will provide transparency across its entire platform that also enables consumers to manage their personal privacy settings across mobile devices and websites, as well as a mobile app SDK for iOS and Android. TRUSTed Mobile Ads follows the DAA AdChoice principles to support clear and easy-to-understand privacy notifications for consumers regarding Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA). Read the rest of this entry »

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