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Inspector Responsibilities

The Office of Inspections is responsible for conducting reviews of management issues and administrative allegations. 

OIG inspectors gather data through various sources, such as interviews, document reviews, and computer searches; review and analyze the data; and report on their findings regarding complex programs, projects, and issues that involve both the Federal Government and private industry.  Inspection topics may be based upon requests from Congress or senior DOE management, complaints received by the OIG Hotline, or OIG concerns.  Inspection reports address areas of concern, including noncompliance with laws, regulations, and DOE directives, and recommend programmatic and/or operational changes.

Employment Opportunities

Entry level positions generally start at the GS-7 grade level, or GS-9 if you possess a graduate degree.  Under our accelerated promotion plan, as a GS-7 you will be eligible for promotion to the GS-9 after 6 months.  Advancement to the GS-13 can generally be obtained within 3-4 years depending on performance.  Promotions to team leader and supervisory positions (above the GS-13 level) are achieved on a competitive basis.  For current Federal salary rates, visit:

Numerous training opportunities are available. OIG inspectors usually receive a minimum of 40 hours of formal training every 2 years.

Qualification Requirements

To qualify, applicants must have: 

  • GS-7:  one full year of graduate level education, or superior undergraduate academic achievement (GPA of 3.0 or higher), or one year of specialized experience equivalent to a GS-5 in the Federal service.
  • GS-9:  a master’s or equivalent graduate degree, or two full years of progressively higher level graduate education leading to an LL.B. or J.D., or one year of specialized experience equivalent to a GS-7 in the Federal service.
  • To qualify for higher grade levels, applicants must have a progressively higher graduate or professional degree or additional years of relevant work experience.