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Washington, DC
Beigetreten Juli 2009

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  1. See how the federal government's partnering with your community. Then share how you've seen the partnership at work:

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  2. MAP: Community-based strategies like USDA's StrikeForce create change where it's needed most

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  3. Here’s a map of how the federal government is working with local communities to create change:

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  4. . Pack an apple in your lunch box – A small apple has more than 2 grams of fiber.

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  5. Washington woman inspired to grow out on her own

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  6. School breakfast program provides increasing number of meals

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  7. Happy 99th birthday ! Tx for being a great partner in protecting our national treasures

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  8. Today turns 99 years old. RT to wish them a happy birthday!

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  9. Student Climate and Congress: Bright young minds

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  10. 10 healthy eating tips for teen girls: [PDF]

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  11. What’s shaking in school meals?

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  12. ICYMI: Back to school Back to healthier school meals

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  13. The Nuña Bean: 'Power popper' has funny name, serious nutritional benefits

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  14. Commitment to innovation and shapes the Littles’ family farm

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  15. "Fuel Up to Play 60" has game plan to supercharge school fitness & nutrition

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  16. MN farmer commits a century of life to agriculture, dedicating 3 decades to

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  17. For the past three years, kids have eaten healthier breakfasts, lunches and snacks at school

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  18. 100 years of research and development

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  19. Reaching and educating minority teen mothers online with eBaby4U

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  20. USDA starts historical dietary guidance digital collection

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