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Protected Species

Fishermen are required to follow a variety of rules to minimize interactions with protected species. Related resources, news, and links for additional information are listed below.

News     |     Required Gear     |     Biological Opinions     |     Additional Information


08/31/2009NOAA Fisheries announces public outreach meeting to provide information on the Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan, Final Rule, and Regulatory Requirements to Reduce Serious Injury and Mortality of Pilot Whales and Risso’s Dolphins
05/15/2009Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Team (PLTRT)
Final Rule for PLTRT
Compliance Guide for PLTRT
09/04/2008NOAA Fisheries reminds fishermen to avoid harassment and possible injury to large whales commonly seen by vessels engaged in tuna fishing
06/22/2008Reduction of Sea Turtle Bycatch and Bycatch Mortality in the Pelagic Longline Fishery
Federal Register Notice
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
(entire document)

Individual sections:

09/27/2007Reminder to all pelagic longline fishermen participating in fisheries for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
Listserv Notice
02/15/2007NOAA Fisheries Announces Availability of a Revised List of Approved Dehooking Equipment in the Pelagic and Bottom Longline Fisheries
Federal Register Notice | Listserv Notice
The list of required gear is provided below.

Required Gear

Sea Turtle Handling/Release Placards*

Marine Mammal Handling/Release Placard*

 * Sea Turtle and Marine Mammal Handling/Release placards are required to be posted in the wheelhouse of certain commercial fishing vessels. For more information, please see the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations regarding the sea turtle placard regulations and the marine mammal placard regulations.

Biological Opinions

Additional Information