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HMS International Trade Program

The Highly Migratory Species (HMS) International Trade Program regulates trade, including import, export, and re-export, of the following:

The Regulations are located at 50 CFR Part 300 Subpart M and were last modified to incorporate the International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP) and the International Trade Data System (ITDS) in a Final Rule  published on August 3, 2016.   The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) electronic bluefin tuna catch document was implemented in a Final Rule published on April 1, 2016.

In addition to the requirements identified here, there are additional import documentation requirements for frozen or processed tuna. To determine which requirements apply to your product, visit the Online Compliance Guide for the Importation of Tuna.

Effective September 20, 2016, entities importing or exporting the species listed above must obtain the International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP), which replaced the HMS ITP.  As of this date NMFS also implemented the International Trade Data System (ITDS), and all trade documentation must be submitted via the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).  For further information, please see the ITDS homepage

Effective May 1, 2016, catch and trade information for export, re-export, and import of Atlantic bluefin tuna must be entered in the ICCAT Electronic Bluefin Tuna Catch Documentation (eBCD) System. For assistance using the eBCD System, please refer to the User Manual and Compliance Guide or contact Customer Service at (301) 427-8589 or

Compliance Guide

This Compliance Guide summarizes HMS International Trade Permit program permitting and reporting requirements. If there is a discrepancy between the regulations and this guide, the regulations will take precedence.

Permit Application and Reporting Forms

International Fisheries Trade Permit Site

Reporting and Trade Forms

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

eBCD system
Catch Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report

Pacific Bluefin Tuna 

Catch Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report


Statistical Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report

Southern Bluefin Tuna

Catch Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report

Atlantic Bigeye Tuna (frozen)

Statistical Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report

Pacific Bigeye Tuna (frozen)

Statistical Document
Re-Export Certificate
Biweekly Report


Additional Information