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Collection of references for past and current documentation:

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Alpert, J.C., S-Y Hong and Y-J Kim, 199x: Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the Environmental Modeling Center medium range model.

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Fanglin Yang, Kenneth Mitchell, Yu-Tai Hou, Yongjiu Dai, Xubin Zeng, Zhou Wang, and Xin-Zhong Liang, 2008: Dependence of land surface albedo on solar zenith angle: observations and model parameterizations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. No.11, Vol 47, 2963-2982.

Fanglin Yang, Hua-Lu Pan, Steve Krueger, Shrinivas Moorthi, Stephen Lord, 2006: Evaluation of the NCEP Global Forecast System at the ARM SGP Site. Monthly Weather Review. 134, No. 12, 3668-3690.

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Hou, Y-T, K. A. Campana and S-K Yang, 1996: Shortwave radiation calculations in the NCEP's global model. International Radiation Symposium, IRS-96, August 19-24, Fairbanks, AL.

Hou, Y.-T., S. Moorthi, and K.A. Campana, 2002: Parameterization of solar radiation transfer in the NCEP models. NCEP Office Note 441.

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Pan, H.-L. and W.-S. Wu, 1995: Implementing a Mass Flux Convection Parameterization Package for the NMC Medium-Range Forecast Model. NMC Office Note, No. 409, 40pp. [ Available from NCEP, 5200 Auth Road, Washington, DC 20233 ]

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