e-Brochures for Prospective Students

Oxford Pro Bono Publico recognised in the Commission on a Bill of Rights Report

OPBP's research has been recognised in the recent Commission on a Bill of Rights Report, in which it recommends the adoption of a UK Bill of Rights [more…]

University of Exeter v University of Oxford Moots

Two moots were held on 7 and 8 of November 2012 in Exeter between Oxford and the University of Exeter [more…]

Oxford Mooting Workshop 2012

The Law Faculty’s Moot Court Programme and the Oxford Bar Society jointly organised a two-hour mooting workshop on the 9th of November 2012 [more…]

Oxford Pro Bono Publico appoints new committee

The new Oxford Pro Bono Publico (OPBP) student committee for 2012/13 has been inducted [more…]

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Thursday 10 January 2013  

Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
SAD Cases in the Coroners' Courts: Definitions, Evidence, Rights and Procedures in Sudden Adult Death Inquests

Thursday 17 January  

Comparative Law Discussion Group
Constitutionalism, public policy and discriminatory testamentary bequests - a good fit between common law and civil law in South Africa's mixed jurisdictions?, Professor Francois du Toit, University of the Western Cape, at 1300 (wit: lunc: from 12:30 in t:e Foyer of t:e IECL)

Oxford Human Rights Hub
Interpreting Human Rights in New Zealand and the UK: Expansive but Narrow, Narrow but Expansive, Kris Gledhill, University of Auckland; Inaugural Director of the New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice, at 13:00

Migration Law Discussion Group
In Defense of the Migrant Workers Convention: Standard Setting for Contemporary Migration, Bernard Ryan, University of Kent , at 14:00

Public Law Discussion Group
The Reformation of English Administrative Law? 'Rights', Rhetoric and Reality, Dr Jason NE Varuhas, Junior Research Fellow in Law, Christ's College, Cambridge, at 17:00 Change of date

& Workshops

(not shown above)

Friday 18 January 2013  

Oxford Brookes University
Fundamental Rights in Europe: A Matter for Two Courts, at 09:30

Friday 1 March  

Centre for Competition Law & Policy
Why Competition Law ?, at 13:00 (wit: lunc: from 12:30 in t:e Foyer of t:e Institute of European and Comparative Law) Additional information

Thursday 2 May  

Oxford Human Rights Hub
Harvard-Oxford Teleconference on Equality

Sunday 23 June until Wednesday 26 June 2013  

Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre
International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP)

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