Green Business

Green Seal Standards

Our sustainability standards for products, services, and companies are based on life-cycle research, and are developed in an open, transparent, and stakeholder-involved process. Green Seal standards provide criteria and guidelines for manufacturers, service providers, and companies to work toward sustainability and Green Seal certification. Green Seal has 33 issued standards that cover 400 product and service categories.


Building & Construction Products

GS-43 Recycled Content Latex Paints

The Green Seal Standard for Recycled Content Latex Paint, GS-43, establishes environmental requirements for recycled-content, consolidated and reprocessed, interior and exterior latex paint.

The standard includes product performance requirements and environmental and health requirements such as reduced toxicity and recycled post-consumer content. The standard can serve as a tool to help companies begin to take action to improve their products and is available for Green Seal certification.