Los Alamos National LaboratoryCenter for Space and Earth Science
Part of the National Security Education Center

Center for Space and Earth Science

High quality, cutting-edge science in the areas of astrophysics, space physics, solid planetary geoscience, and climate science


  • Director
  • Reiner Friedel
  • (505) 665-1936
  • Email
  • Professional Staff Assistant
  • Georgia D. Sanchez
  • (505) 665-0855
  • Email

Science Discipline Leaders  

  • Astrophysics & Cosmology
  • Hui Li
  • (505) 665-3131
  • Email
  • Climate
  • Keeley Costigan
  • (505) 665-4788
  • Email
  • Geophysics
  • David Coblentz
  • (505) 667-2781
  • Email
  • Space Physics
  • Geoffrey Reeves
  • (505) 665-3877
  • Email

CSES FY17 Call for Proposals: Emerging Ideas Research and Development

In collaboration with Universities, the Center for Space and Earth Science (CSES) focuses on scientific understanding of fundamental physical processes that are critical to maintenance of habitat earth homeostasis with a long-term objective of achieving sufficient knowledge to identify the tipping points that can push habitat earth out of its homeostatic equilibrium, homeostatic imbalance.

Read our mission statement »

News, announcements

Program announcements for CSES Calls for proposals, seminars, workshops and summer schools are made through LANL’s R&D Central portal (WIN login/password).

Please use the portal to sign up for NSEC - Center for Space and Earth Science Announcements.

The cover feature of the February 2015 edition of Trends in Plant Science highlights results of an CSES-sponsored workshop report entitled Global satellite monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances.

The report outlines an approach to better exploit satellite sensing signature science by recommending that any proposed monitoring system should not only detect disturbances, but also be able to: identify the proximate cause(s); integrate a range of spatial scales; and, ideally, incorporate process models to explain the observed patterns and predicted trends in the future.

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