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Federal CitSci Blog

A place to see the latest news, resources, and research related to citizen science in the federal community.

Strategic Recommendations for Federal Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing

Strategic Recommendations for Federal Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing

Citizen science and crowdsourcing, a form of open innovation that engages the public in authentic scientific research, has many documented benefits like advancing research, STEM education and addressing societal needs. This method has gained significant momentum in the U.S. federal government in the past four years. In September 2015, the White House issued a memorandum […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: MDMAP

NOAA Summer Spotlight: MDMAP

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. The Marine Debris Monitoring and Assessment Project, or MDMAP, is a citizen science initiative that engages NOAA partners and volunteers across the nation to survey and record the amount and types of marine […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: Sign of The Seasons

NOAA Summer Spotlight: Sign of The Seasons

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. Signs of the Seasons is a New England citizen science program with two purposes: to train and support volunteer observers to collect robust phenology data for active research projects; and to increase climate […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: Urban Tides

NOAA Summer Spotlight: Urban Tides

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. Urban Tides Community Science Initiative USC Sea Grant launched the Urban Tides Community Science Initiative, a #CitizenScience program that links observations of community members across Southern California with scientists and city leaders […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: OldWeather

NOAA Summer Spotlight: OldWeather

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. In order to understand what the weather will be like in the future, we need to understand what was like in the past. The OldWeather Arctic Project is a #CitizenScience project that, with […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: Right Whale Sighting Advisory System

NOAA Summer Spotlight: Right Whale Sighting Advisory System

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. The Right Whale Sighting Advisory System is a NOAA Fisheries program which was designed to reduce collisions between ships and the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) by alerting mariners […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: Salmon Ambassadors

NOAA Summer Spotlight: Salmon Ambassadors

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. Many anglers regularly measure and record their catches, but one small group of citizen scientists takes it a step further and reports their measurements so scientists and fishery managers can learn from […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: mPING!

NOAA Summer Spotlight: mPING!

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. Are raindrops falling on your head? Are you getting hassled by hail? Is snow glistening in your treetops? mPING needs your weather reports for their research! The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory is […]

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NOAA Summer Spotlight: LiMPETS!

NOAA Summer Spotlight: LiMPETS!

Summer Spotlight is a summer-long initiative organized by the Office of Education at NOAA to showcase citizen science projects from across the agency. LiMPETS is a youth-based citizen science program that monitors the coastal ecosystems of California and helps students understand, value, and participate in science. Science teachers leverage this novel project to demonstrate the scientific […]

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Crowdsourcing for Early Detection of Animal Disease Outbreaks

Crowdsourcing for Early Detection of Animal Disease Outbreaks

Swine flu … avian flu … everyone knows of diseases that can infect both animals and people. Nearly three-quarters of newly described diseases in people are estimated to have originated in animals. These and other animal diseases foreign to the United States can have serious consequences for animal health — and possibly for human health […]

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