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Welcome to 
Minerals & Geology Management

























MGM Logo

Welcome! The mission of the Forest Service Minerals & Geology Management (MGM) Program is to provide for the sustainable use and enjoyment of mineral and geologic resources on the National Forests.

Minerals & Geology Management manages energy and mineral resources into development, production, and reclamation according to specific authorities, legislation, rules, and regulations. The program is also responsible for authorization of ancillary projects, such as roads and pipelines that are part of the energy and minerals development projects. The value of energy and mineral production from NFS lands typically exceeds $2 billion per year. More than 5 million acres of NFS lands are leased for oil, gas, coal, and phosphate.


minerals, rocks & geology scenery Untitled Document



USDA Forest Service
Last Modified:  March 15, 2012 USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.