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Case Counts in the US

As of November 30, 2016 (5 am EST)

  • Zika virus disease and Zika virus congenital infection are nationally notifiable conditions.
  • This update from the CDC Arboviral Disease Branch includes provisional data reported to ArboNET for January 01, 2015 – November 30, 2016.

US States

  • Locally acquired mosquito-borne cases reported: 185
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 4,310
  • Laboratory acquired cases reported:  1
  • Total: 4,496
    • Sexually transmitted: 36
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 13


US Territories

  • Locally acquired cases reported: 33,133
  • Travel-associated cases reported: 125
  • Total: 33,258*
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome: 48

*Sexually transmitted cases are not reported for US territories because with local transmission of Zika virus it is not possible to determine whether infection occurred due to mosquito-borne or sexual transmission.

Laboratory-confirmed Zika virus disease cases reported to ArboNET by state or territory — United States, 2015–2016 (as of November 30, 2016)§
States Travel-associated cases*
No. (% of cases in states)
Locally acquired cases†
No. (% of cases in states)
Alabama 30    (1) 0    (0)
Arizona 49    (1) 0    (0)
Arkansas 13    (<1) 0    (0)
California 368  (9) 0    (0)
Colorado 50    (1) 0    (0)
Connecticut 58    (1) 0    (0)
Delaware 17    (<1) 0    (0)
District of Columbia 27    (1) 0    (0)
Florida 785  (18) 184    (99)
Georgia 102  (2) 0    (0)
Hawaii 14    (<1) 0    (0)
Idaho 4      (<1) 0    (0)
Illinois 83    (2) 0    (0)
Indiana 47    (1) 0    (0)
Iowa 17    (<1) 0    (0)
Kansas 17    (<1) 0    (0)
Kentucky 24    (1) 0    (0)
Louisiana 35    (1) 0    (0)
Maine 12    (<1) 0    (0)
Maryland 110  (3) 0    (0)
Massachusetts 105  (2) 0    (0)
Michigan 63    (1) 0    (0)
Minnesota 55    (1) 0    (0)
Mississippi 23    (1) 0    (0)
Missouri 36    (1) 0    (0)
Montana 7      (<1) 0    (0)
Nebraska 13    (<1) 0    (0)
Nevada 18    (<1) 0    (0)
New Hampshire 12    (<1) 0    (0)
New Jersey 164  (4) 0    (0)
New Mexico 9      (<1) 0    (0)
New York 921  (21) 0    (0)
North Carolina 81    (2) 0    (0)
North Dakota 2      (<1) 0    (0)
Ohio 74    (2) 0    (0)
Oklahoma 29    (1) 0    (0)
Oregon 37    (1) 0    (0)
Pennsylvania†† 157  (4) 0    (0)
Rhode Island 35    (1) 0    (0)
South Carolina 53    (1) 0    (0)
South Dakota 2      (<1) 0    (0)
Tennessee 58    (1) 0    (0)
Texas 258  (6) 1    (1)
Utah 16** (<1) 0    (0)
Vermont 10    (<1) 0    (0)
Virginia 94    (2) 0    (0)
Washington 58    (1) 0    (0)
West Virginia 11    (<1) 0    (0)
Wisconsin 46    (1) 0    (0)
Wyoming 2      (<1) 0    (0)
Territories Travel-associated cases*
No. (% of cases in territories)
Locally acquired cases†
No. (% of cases in territories)
American Samoa 0      (0) 54           (<1)
Puerto Rico 123  (98) 32,473*** (98)
US Virgin Islands 2      (2) 603          (2)
§Only includes cases meeting the probable or confirmed CSTE case definition and does not include asymptomatic infections unless the case is a pregnant woman with a complication of pregnancy
*Travelers returning from affected areas, their sexual contacts, or infants infected in utero
†Presumed local mosquito-borne transmission
††One additional case acquired through laboratory transmission
**Includes one case with unknown route of person-to-person transmission.
***The Puerto Rico Department of Health is retroactively reporting cases, resulting in larger than normal increases in cases in recent weeks.