USDA United States
Department of
Animal and
Plant Health
Veterinary Services
National Center For Import And Export
Import/Export Animals
4700 River Road, Unit 39
Riverdale, MD 20737-1231

Health Certification For
Importation Of Horses Into The United States
From Countries Affected With Foot-And-Mouth Disease


Health Certificate Number:__________________________________

Country of Origin/Export:___________________________________

This is to certify,

  1. Within the five (5) days immediately prior to export, the horse(s) has not been on any premises or area quarantined or identified to be infected with FMD, nor has the horse(s) been in contact with animals that have been in a FMD quarantine area or on an FMD affected or quarantined premises.
  2. The horse was groomed to remove dirt and debris, and subsequently wiped, sprayed and/or sponged down with vinegar or a solution of 6.5 ounces of concentrated glacial acetic acid in 1 gallon of water or another approved disinfectant. These procedures were performed in the exporting country prior to loading for departure.

  3. The horses' hooves were cleaned and disinfected with a 4% sodium carbonate solution or another approved disinfectant in a manner to ensure that the hooves are free of dirt, manure, and debris. This was performed in the exporting country prior to loading for departure.

  4. Prior to loading the horse all crates and transportation vehicles were cleaned and disinfected with an approved disinfectant. This was performed in the exporting country.

  5. Any equipment (tack, blankets, sheets, leg wraps, etc.,) accompanying the horse has been laundered or cleaned to remove dirt and debris and subsequently disinfected with an approved disinfectant.

Signature:_________________________________________ Date:________________________
                   Official Veterinarian for Ministry of Agriculture

Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_______________________
                  A full time Salaried Government Veterinarian


Signature:__________________________________________ Date:_______________________
                  Endorsed by Local Veterinary Inspector

Effective April 2001

VS - Safeguarding Animal Health
Phone (301) 734-8364, FAX (301) 734-6402
An Equal Opportunity Employer

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