Records Managers

National Archives and Records Administration
General Records Schedules

Transmittal No. 22
April 2010

Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Maintenance and Operation Records

These records pertain to the management, maintenance, and operation of motor vehicles used by agencies.

Motor vehicles. Items 1 through 7 pertain to motor vehicles used by agencies. 41 CFR 101-38 prescribes policies and procedures. Standard Form (SF) 82, which is an annual motor vehicle report required by the Federal Acquisition Service, General Services Administration, is the only standardized record. Certain cost and inventory control forms have been developed, but they are not mandatory. This portion of the schedule covers agency records pertaining to the daily use and operation of the vehicles.

In general, records pertaining to motor vehicles reflect a threefold responsibility: (a) the accumulation of cost and operating data for internal accounting and management purposes and for reports submitted to the Federal Acquisition Service (SF 82, Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data); (b) the maintenance of the vehicles themselves; and (c) protecting the interest of the Government in accident claims against it. The records themselves consist of chauffeur service logs and reports, vehicle repair and maintenance checkoff sheets, cost ledgers, and claims correspondence and forms.

Aircraft. Items 9 through 13 pertain to the management, maintenance, and operation of aircraft used by Federal agencies. 41 CFR 102-33 prescribes policies and procedures. These items include Federal records accumulated in connection with the use of leased aircraft as well as records provided by contractors for government agencies. Specifically excluded from this schedule are previously approved records series from the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of the Air Force, Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Army.

[Note: Some of these records may be necessary for the investigation and preparation of accident/incident reports. Agencies conducting their own internal accident/incident investigation congruent with those conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board must maintain those records in accordance with item 13 of this schedule. The records of the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are excluded from item 13 of this schedule.]

1.     Motor Vehicle Correspondence Files.

Correspondence in the operating unit responsible for maintenance and operation of motor vehicles not otherwise covered in this schedule.

Destroy when 2 years old. (GRS 10, 1952, item 1)

2.     Motor Vehicle Operating and Maintenance Files.

a.     Operating records including those relating to gas and oil consumption, dispatching, and scheduling.

Destroy when 3 months old. (GRS 10, 1952, item 2a)

b.     Maintenance records, including those relating to service and repair.

Destroy when 1 year old. (GRS 10, 1952, item 2b)

3.     Motor Vehicle Cost Files.

Motor vehicle ledger and worksheets providing cost and expense data.

Destroy 3 years after discontinuance of ledger or date of worksheet. (GRS 10, 1952, item 3)

4.     Motor Vehicle Report Files.

Reports on motor vehicles (other than accident, operating, and maintenance reports), including SF 82, Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data.

Destroy 3 years after date of report. (GRS 10, 1952, item 4)

5.     Motor Vehicle Accident Files.

Records relating to motor vehicle accidents, maintained by transportation offices, including SF 91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report, investigative reports, and SF 94, Statement of Witness.

Destroy 6 years after case is closed. (GRS 10, 1952, item 1)

6.     Motor Vehicle Release Files.

Records relating to transfer, sale, donation, or exchange of vehicles, including SF 97, The United States Government Certificate to Obtain Title to a Motor Vehicle.

Destroy 4 years after vehicle leaves agency custody. (NARA memo 10/20/1955)

7.     Motor Vehicle Operator Files.

Records relating to individual employee operation of Government-owned vehicles, including driver tests, authorization to use, safe driving awards, and related correspondence.

Destroy 3 years after separation of employee or 3 years after recision of authorization to operate Government-owned vehicle, whichever is sooner.

8.    Reserved.

9.    Routine Aircraft Operations.

Records that pertain to the day-to-day operation of aircraft operated by Federal agencies. Included are records documenting departures, takeoffs, and destinations, passengers on board, requests for flights, flight orders, aircraft flight logs, flight plans, and similar records.

Destroy when 2 years old. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 1)

10.    Logistical Support for Flight Operations.

Records that document logistical support relating to flying activities, such as furnishing supplies, equipment, administrative assistance, and other needed logistics services. Also included are comments on regulations, directives or other publications that relate to logistics matters, program and budget information, management improvement reports, cost reduction reports, and requests for substantive information that relate to logistics matters.

Destroy when 6 years old or when superseded, whichever is later. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 2)

11.    General Aircraft Maintenance and Modifications Records.

Records relating to fleet-wide general maintenance activities, modifications, or improvements designed to meet programmed requirements (as opposed to maintenance activities performed on a specific aircraft; see item 12 for records relating to maintenance activities involving specific aircraft). Included are records related to servicing, manufacturing, rebuilding and testing of equipment and classifying the condition status of materiel, non-technical correspondence that pertains to aircraft maintenance and related organizational matters and overhaul and rework projects as well as technical correspondence pertaining to aircraft, aircraft components, engines, propellers, instruments, accessories, and their maintenance. Also included in this category are maintenance manuals for aircraft that have been customized from the standard production model design in order to meet agency-specific needs or manuals that have been annotated and are different from those issued by the manufacturer. Additionally, this category includes preventive maintenance records; aircraft inventories that account for the aircraft held by, or assigned to, an agency or agency component, especially as counted and classified into categories; and bulletins that direct a one-time inspection to determine whether a given condition exists and specify what action should be/has been taken.

a.     Recordkeeping copies of maintenance manuals for unique or customized aircraft

Permanent. Transfer to the National Archives in 5-year blocks after they become superseded or obsolete. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 3a)

b.     All other records.

Destroy when 6 years old or when superseded or obsolete, whichever is later. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 3b)

12.   Individual Aircraft Maintenance and Airframe Modifications Records.

Records relating to maintenance activities performed on specific aircraft. Included are aircraft logbooks, aircraft engine records, inspection and maintenance records, preventive maintenance inspections, diagnostic checkouts, spot check inspections, and maintenance requests. Also included are records relating to configuration change to a specific aircraft that is a material change, modification, or an alteration in the characteristics of the equipment.

Destroy 6 years after aircraft disposal or clearance of related equipment from the program. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 4)

13.   Records Required for Accident/Incident Reports.

Records requested by authorities conducting the investigation of accidents/incidents involving aircraft used by Federal agencies, including leased aircraft used by Federal agencies.

Keep for the duration of investigation and then destroy 1 year after completion of investigation and preparation of required reports. (N1-GRS-04-6, item 5)

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