




Legalized marijuana



  • Betsy DeVos embarrassed herself and should be rejected by the Senate

    Betsy DeVos embarrassed herself and should be rejected by the Senate

    Betsy DeVos’ love of private school vouchers didn’t disqualify her for the role of U.S. Education secretary, even though vouchers are a bad idea. Nor did her lack of experience in public schools.  What did render her unacceptable was her abysmal performance at her confirmation hearing Tuesday,...

  • How Trump can succeed

    How Trump can succeed

    Will Donald Trump be a “transformative” president? His predecessor did us the favor of defining the term. “I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not,” presidential candidate Barack Obama said in 2008. Reagan...

  • Stop blaming anti-war progressives and 'Bernie Bros' for President Trump

    Stop blaming anti-war progressives and 'Bernie Bros' for President Trump

    In the two months since the election, there has been an energetic, oftentimes vitriolic, effort on the part of Hillary Clinton surrogates (and the large contingent of neoconservative Republicans who supported her) to blame her defeat at the hands of Donald J. Trump on Democrats like myself who...

  • How to stop Trump: Lessons from the tea party

    How to stop Trump: Lessons from the tea party

    Donald Trump represents a grave threat to liberal democratic values. On Capitol Hill, Republicans are falling in line and some moderate Democrats have signaled a willingness to cut deals. But ordinary Americans have the power to resist. We know this is true because we have seen local, grassroots...

  • Words of encouragement for Donald J. Trump from James Buchanan, 15th president of the United States

    Words of encouragement for Donald J. Trump from James Buchanan, 15th president of the United States

    Sir: How long have I waited for your advent, prayed for someone like you to come along? All these years, since my death in 1868, I have watched each election cycle, hoping that finally my savior would appear, a man — heaven forbid it should be a woman! — who would rescue me from my status as the...

  • Local unions plan rallies against Trump, L.A. schools announce Unity Day 2017

    Local unions plan rallies against Trump, L.A. schools announce Unity Day 2017

    Teachers unions plan protests against President-elect Donald Trump across the Southland on Thursday, while Los Angeles school officials, concerned about student walkouts, have declared that Friday will be Unity Day 2017. Trump will be inaugurated Friday in Washington, D.C. as the nation’s 45th...

  • How Trump will deal with America's longest war is anyone's guess

    How Trump will deal with America's longest war is anyone's guess

    Donald Trump has minced few words about his plans to  build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and  end the threat from Islamic State extremists. But the president-elect has been virtually silent on his plans when it comes to Afghanistan, home to America’s longest war. With 8,400 U.S. troops leading...

  • As soon as he is inaugurated, Trump will move to clamp down on immigration

    As soon as he is inaugurated, Trump will move to clamp down on immigration

    Aides are clearing the way for President-elect Donald Trump to take the first steps toward transforming the immigration system as soon as he takes office Friday, fulfilling a major campaign pledge while deepening the fears of immigration advocates about what’s to come. Gone will be the temporary...

  • Here's one way Rep. Linda Sanchez thinks Democrats should fight Obamacare repeal

    Here's one way Rep. Linda Sanchez thinks Democrats should fight Obamacare repeal

    Essential Politics: Becerra gets confirmation hearing in state Senate, Gov. Brown's budget team admits to math mistake Jan. 19, 2017, 10:09 a.m. This is Essential Politics, our daily look at California political and government news. Here's what we're watching right now: A state Senate committee...

  • For the Record

    State budget: In the Jan. 12 California section, a column about Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal referred to Joe Nation as a former Republican assemblyman. Nation is a former Democratic assemblyman. Baseball Hall of Fame: In the Jan. 18 Sports section, an article about Baseball Hall of Fame candidates...
