
Our Very Lives Depend on Them

What's at Stake

Forests are critical to the survival of every living thing on Earth. Forests clean the air, regulate weather, absorb greenhouse gas emissions, and stabilize the climate—both global and local. Not to mention, forests provide habitat for 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity and livelihoods for 1.6 billion people.

Josué Avila, nature guide from the Sani community

Josué Avila, a nature guide from the Sani community, takes the author into the jungle.

Photo credit: Jungwon Kim

Strong Forests and Healthy Communities

Many communities have revered their ancestral forest homes for centuries, recognizing how forests provide people with livelihoods, shelter, and medicine. The cycle of poverty and deforestation harms critically important ecosystems and imperils the vast scientific knowledge, traditions, and languages of forest communities. Strong forests and vibrant communities cannot exist without each other.

Aerial view of the Amazon rainforest

Aerial view of the Amazon rainforest

Photo credit: iStock

Forests Support an Earth Rebalanced

Forests are ecological powerhouses. Not only do they stabilize global climate patterns, they also support healthy micro-climates and limit the earth’s reflectivity. This in turn regulates ocean currents, wind patterns, and rainfall. As home to 80 percent of the world's terrestrial biodiversity, forests are crucial to maintaining the balance of marvelously efficient—yet delicate—ecosystems.

Our Work

Our Work in Forests

The Rainforest Alliance uses a comprehensive range of strategies to conserve forests around the world. Our conservation partners include indigenous forest communities, governments, and companies committed to responsible sourcing. Together, we have helped prevent the deforestation of nearly 4.4 million hectares in high-risk landscapes and forest frontiers.

Woman in Tres Islas Brazil Nut processing facility

Woman in Tres Islas Brazil Nut processing facility

Photo credit: Mohsin Kazmi

A Sustainable Indigenous Forest Economy

The Rainforest Alliance worked with the community of Tres Islas, located in the biodiversity capital of the Peruvian Amazon, to develop a sustainable economy that includes non-timber forest products like Brazil nuts and palm fruit, as well as sustainably harvested timber. With training provided by our field experts, Tres Islas has added value to its forest products and increased revenues by 74 percent.

Learn more about how we are working to achieve our mission.
Our Impact

Our Impact

From the very beginning of our journey, the Rainforest Alliance has forged innovative solutions to address the global crisis of deforestation. The complex web of pressures that threaten our forests demand comprehensive, landscape-level solutions that address not only environmental threats but the economic pressures that contribute to them. We constantly evaluate our results in order to amplify our impact.

Land area under sustainable management

83,520,000 acres

of forestland managed sustainably

Data accurate as of September 30, 2016.

Strong Forests

More than 83.5 million acres (33.8 million ha) of forestland are managed according to the rigorous environmental, economic, and social standards required for Rainforest Alliance certification.

people trained in sustainable forestry

29,299 people

trained in sustainable forestry

Data accurate as of September 30, 2016.

Supporting Frontline Conservationists

We have trained more than 29,299 people in sustainable forestry. Our forest enterprise projects with indigenous and forest communities in Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras alone have generated $117,034,000 in revenue for our partner communities since 2010.

Learn more ways we are achieving real results.
Get Involved

Get Involved

Join us to help rebalance the earth. 

Deforestation in the Philippines

Almost 50 percent of the world's forests have been cleared and 123,000 acres are destroyed each day. But it's not too late...

A sapling grows among the moss in the forest.

Forests are our most powerful allies in the fight against climate change, we need them in order to keep our planet in balance. 

Burning Peruvian forest - photo by Mohsin Kazmi

Forests are falling at an alarming rate.

Each minute, 85 acres are destroyed.