Fighting climate change by cutting carbon pollution and expanding clean energy is the best way to build a better future for our children.

NRDC is tackling the climate crisis at its source: pollution from fossil fuels. We work to reduce our dependence on these dirty sources by expanding clean energy across cities, states, and nations. We win court cases that allow the federal government to limit carbon pollution from cars and power plants. We help implement practical clean energy solutions. And we fight oil and gas projects that would pump out even more pollution.

Our Priorities

Global Action

Climate change is a global threat, and addressing it requires action around the world.

Dirty Energy

Coal-fired power plants pump out 40 percent of all carbon pollution in the United States

Clean Energy

Transitioning to cleaner energy sources could save the U.S. $120 billion in health care costs a year.

Energy Efficiency

As the demand for energy in America grows, it creates more pollution and drives climate change.

Clean Vehicles and Fuels

Transportation is responsible for at least 30 percent of climate change pollution.

Climate Resilience

Extreme weather caused by climate change is already harming people around the world.

Protecting Communities

Low-income communities are dispropotionally affected by health problems associated with fossil fuels.

What you can do

Speak Out

Let President-elect Donald Trump know that you do not support his extreme anti-environment agenda.

Join Robert Redford in urging President Obama to ban all oil and gas drilling on public lands

Ask your local leaders these five questions about climate change

10 things you can do at home to help curb climate change