Welcome to the NOAA Deep Sea Coral Data Portal

This Portal provides access to deep sea coral and sponge data, images, and technical reports from research funded by NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) and its partners.

Digital Map & Database

Data Search, Discovery & Download

The DSCRTP map allows for search, discovery, and download of the National Deep Sea Corals and Sponges Database. All points are categorized and colored by common vernacular categories. Users can search by taxon, region, time, and depth. Data downloads can be initiated using the search parameters on the map and the on-screen geographic extent. Go to the digital map

Information Access

Users can also view site characterization reports for DSCRTP funded research. These reports give habitat summaries of specific undersea areas and summarize the dives on the area. Go to the digital map

Deep Sea Coral Database Documentation

DSCRTP's Technical Memo on the National Database. Go to the publication

Metadata for the Deep Sea Coral Database. Go to the metadata

Map portal view


2016 Report to Congress Report Image Habitats Image Research Image CoRIS 164

2016 Report to Congress

Read the 2016 Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program Report to Congress.

State of DSC Report

Preview the 2015 report on the state of deep sea corals and sponges in the U.S.

Research Sites

Read reports characterizing deep sea coral and sponge sites.

Okeanos Explorer

Follow the Pacific Islands explorations.

Report Archive

Visit NOAA's Coral Reef Information System(CoRIS).