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Monday, February 6, 2017


Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles

Kellyanne Conway, left, Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner, Stephen K. Bannon, Reince Priebus and Stephen Miller, all members of President Trump’s senior staff, last month at the White House.
Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

Kellyanne Conway, left, Hope Hicks, Jared Kushner, Stephen K. Bannon, Reince Priebus and Stephen Miller, all members of President Trump’s senior staff, last month at the White House.

One thing has become apparent to both the president’s allies as well as his opponents: When it comes to governing, speed does not always guarantee success.

Trump Says He Plans ‘Historic’ Investment in Armed Forces

In a speech to service members, the president said that “radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland” and exulted in his election victory.

Justice Department Urges Appeals Court to Reinstate Trump’s Travel Ban

The administration said a judge’s order blocking the ban endangers national security. Opponents of the ban said it is a threat to the rule of law.

First 100 Days Briefing

White House Says Bathrobe Anecdote Is All Wet

In a Twitter post, President Trump rejected reports of surveys showing that a majority of Americans oppose his ban on travel from seven countries.

As Trump Vows Building Splurge, Famed Traffic Choke Point Offers Warning

President Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure. Breezewood, Pa., offers a vivid case study in why such projects may not be easy.

What to Watch in Congress: Confirmation Votes, Regulation Rollbacks

Emboldened by weeks of protests, congressional Democrats are digging in as Republicans try to swiftly remake the government.

Reading Between the Lines for Gorsuch’s Views on Abortion

Human life is “inherently valuable,” Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, wrote in a book on assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Kerry and Albright Ask Courts to Keep Blocking Trump’s Travel Ban

Prominent Democrats, including John Kerry and Madeleine K. Albright, wrote a letter to an appeals court saying that the immigration order endangers troops and undermines security.

News Analysis

The President Has Much Power Over Immigration, but How Much?

The Supreme Court is likely to hear a case that could help decide whether the president’s power in this area is tempered or defeated by the Constitution.

Hearing ‘America First,’ European Nations Jockey to Be Second

It’s a tight race for runner-up when America is first, and the contenders are going all out to prove their superiority to Donald Trump with video pitches.

The Economic Growth That Experts Can’t Count

A fixation on standard (and lately sluggish) measures of growth may obscure more profound advances in the nation’s innovation and well-being.

Trump’s Travel Ban, Aimed at Terrorists, Has Blocked Doctors

Across the United States, over 15,000 physicians are from the seven affected countries. Many work in small towns, poor urban neighborhoods and V.A. hospitals.

Binding the Nation in Its Love of Meatloaf

Two New York Times writers have collaborated on a decidedly bipartisan book of recipes and lore.

Tech Opposition to Trump Propelled by Employees, Not Executives

In a court filing, nearly 100 technology companies cited the “tremendous impact” of immigrants on the United States in opposing the Trump immigration ban.

Grand Plans vs. Reality: White House Veterans Recall Their First 100 Days

Don’t Ask, don’t Tell.” Bombing Iraq. Somali pirates. Top officials from the Clinton, Bush and Obama White Houses recall how nothing goes exactly as planned.

Donald Trump’s Inaugural Speech, Annotated

New York Times reporters analyze the 45th president’s comments.

The 58th Presidential Inaugural Seating Chart

A who’s who of President Donald J. Trump’s Washington.

Inauguration, From Morning to Night

Journey through the inauguration of Donald J. Trump with this interactive video gallery.

Kennedy Looked Tan, Johnson Kissed Mrs. Nixon, and Other Vivid Inauguration Details

Moments witnessed and analyzed by New York Times correspondents since the 1853 inauguration, the first to take place after the paper was founded.

You Draw It: What Got Better or Worse During Obama’s Presidency

See if you’re as smart as you think you are.

Donald Trump’s Cabinet Is Taking Shape. Here’s the Latest List.

A list of appointees and nominees for top posts in the new administration.

Graphic: The Russian Hacking in 200 Words

President Obama announced sanctions against Russia for trying to influence the 2016 election through cyberattacks. Here’s what led to the sanctions.

Graphic: The Array of Conflicts of Interest Facing the Trump Presidency

Donald J. Trump’s global business empire will create an unprecedented number of conflicts of interest for a United States president, experts say.

Interactive Graphic: How Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare Piece by Piece

Peeling away pieces of the law could lead to market chaos.

Interactive Graphic: How Trump Can Influence Climate Change

A Trump administration could weaken or do away with many of the Obama-era policies focused on greenhouse gas emissions.

Interactive Graphic: Could Trump Really Deport Millions of Unauthorized Immigrants?

Sorting through the confusing sets of numbers in Trump’s deportation plan.

The Opinion Pages
Op-Ed Contributor

Isolating China Doesn’t Work

Trump could push Beijing into a defensive crouch.


The Finger on the Nuclear Button

Atomic scientists say that President Trump is the main reason for a worrisome development.