Scientists at NSIDC

Scientists from around the world use data housed at NSIDC to support their research. Some of these scientists work here at NSIDC (see list below), providing both context and input concerning our data management activities. NSIDC also works with a network of affiliated scientists. Through their research, our scientists help further understanding of the many changes that our planet is undergoing.

NSIDC scientists are widely published in such journals as Geophysical Research Letters; Journal of Geophysical Research; Journal of Climate; Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research; EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union ; and IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Our scientists’ expertise has reached a wide audience through Scientific American, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), just to name a few.

Scientists pursue their work as part of the CIRES Cryospheric and Polar Process Division, University of Colorado, Boulder. National agencies fund research through the peer review proposal process.

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Scientist Specialties Projects

Mark Serreze

NSIDC Director
Professor, Department of Geography, University of Colorado Boulder
CIRES Fellow
American Meteorological Society Fellow

Arctic climate; global implications; and climate warming in the Arctic

Richard Armstrong

Senior Research Scientist
CIRES Fellow

Remote sensing of snow, ice, and frozen ground; physical and mechanical properties of snow; snow cover and glacier mass/extent as indicators of climate change.

Andrew Barrett

Professional Research Assistant

 Land surface hydrology and modeling

Roger Barry

CIRES Fellow Emeritus
Distinguished Professor of Geography, Emeritus

Arctic climate; cryosphere-climate interactions; mountain climate; climate change

  • Preparing invited paper on the Arctic cryosphere in the 21st century for Geographical Review
  • Writing a text on Microclimate and Local Climate with Peter Blanken (Geography) for Cambridge University Press

Mary J. Brodzik

Senior Associate Scientist
Special Projects Lead

Remote sensing of snow and ice, data processing algorithm development for passive microwave

Jeffrey Deems

Research Scientist II

Snow properties; snow hydrology; snow depth mapping; climate change impacts on snow and water resources; LIDAR remote sensing; avalanche formation; hydrologic modeling

  • Integrated Hydrologic Response to Extreme Deposition of the Snow Cover of the Colorado River Basin

Florence Fetterer

Principal Investigator, NOAA @ NSIDC

Sea ice; applications-oriented remote sensing; data rescue; data set development

  • Project manager, Contribution to High Asia Runoff from Ice and Snow (CHARIS): CHARIS is USAID-supported project that promotes scientific collaboration and data sharing while conducting research on science questions that have broad economic and political impact.
  • PI, Ice Concentration and Ice Age Products for ArcticCAP: This work has two overarching deliverables: an improved daily ice concentration product and a proxy ice thickness product, both for use in sea ice modeling at the Navel Research Laboratory.
  • PI, Managing the SCICEX Data Collection: The SCience ICe EXcercise (SCICEX) program is a collaboration between the U.S. Navy and the marine research community to utilize data acquired by nuclear-powered submarines for the study of the Arctic Ocean. Unlike surface ships, submarines are able to acquire scientifically valuable data regardless of sea ice cover, weather conditions, and time of year.
  • PI, Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record Sustainment, Enhancement, and Production of Value-Added Products through the Sea Ice Index (NOAA)

Shari Fox Gearheard

Research Scientist III

Arctic environment and change; Inuit knowledge; sea ice; knowledge co-production; environmental geography

Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa

Research Scientist III

Remote sensing and geographic information systems; client interface and metadata; data tool development; algorithm support

Lora Koenig

Research Scientist

Remote sensing of ice sheets and snow, patterns of snow accumulation on ice sheets, firn aquifers (meltwater storage in ice sheet snowpack)

  • Operation IceBridge science team

Allen Pope

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Remote sensing of the cryosphere; glaciology; Landsat 8; LiDAR and elevation change

  • The Coldest Place On Earth
  • Estimating Supraglacial Lake Depth using Landsat 8
  • A Landsat 8 Image Mosaic of Antarctica

Peter Pulsifer

Research Scientist I

Establishment of data management and sharing protocols; understanding terminology related to traditional and community-based knowledge; and the development of web-based mapping and visualization applications

Bruce Raup

Senior Associate Scientist

Remote sensing of glaciers; geographic information systems and software development; Web-based client interfaces; metadata; data tool development; algorithm development

Karl Rittger

Research Scientist II

Snow hydrology, remote sensing of ice and snow, Earth surface energy and water balance, large-scale data modeling

Ted Scambos

Senior Research Scientist
Lead Scientist for NSIDC Science Team

Glaciology; remote sensing of the poles; climate change effects on the cryosphere; Antarctic history; geochemistry; and planetary science

Kevin Schaefer

Research Scientist III

Permafrost carbon feedback, modeling of the terrestrial biosphere, biogeochemistry, remote sensing of active layer thickness

Andrew Slater

Research Scientist III

Land-surface and hydrologic modeling of snow, frozen ground, permafrost; hydrologic forecasting and data assimilation

Colleen Strawhacker

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Social sciences data management; anthropology; environmental science; human and environmental interactions

  • North Atlantic Biocultural Organization Cyberinfrastructure Project
  • CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Management for the Arctic Social Sciences

Julienne Stroeve

Senior Research Scientist

Remote sensing of snow and ice in the visible, infrared, and microwave wavelengths

Jeffery Thompson

CIRES Visiting Post-doctoral Fellow

Remote sensing of vegetation and snow; patterns of snow seasonality; vegetation phenology; snow-cover and vegetation interactions