The Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) is responsible for soliciting and coordinating community input into the development and execution of NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP). It serves as a community-based, interdisciplinary forum for soliciting and coordinating community analysis and input in support of the Exoplanet Exploration Program objectives and of their implications for architecture planning and activity prioritization and for future exploration. It provides findings of analyses to the NASA Astrophysics Division Director.


Executive Committee:

View the 2021 Call for ExoPAG EC Nominations. The deadline for nominations is January 22, 2021.

ExoPAG activities and meetings are organized through an Executive Committee, selected by NASA HQ through a Dear Colleague letter. Appointments are made annually to replace members rotating off; the normal term is 3 years. If you are interested in serving on the Executive Committee, please contact the ExoPAG Executive Secretary at NASA HQ (Douglas Hudgins, Exoplanet Exploration Program Scientist).

New Executive Committee members for 2020: Natasha Batalha, Jacob Bean, John Debes, Laura Schaefer

ExoPAG News and Announcements (December 9, 2020)

  1. ExoPAG Community Input Forum (Tuesday Dec. 15, 2020, 3:00-4:30pm EST/12:00-1:30pm PST)
  2. Exoplanets in our Backyard 1.5 at AGU (Dec. 16, 2020, 8am-1pm PT)
  3. Five Years After HL Tau: a New Era in Planet Formation (Dec. 7-11, 2020; Talks on YouTube)
+ details

1) ExoPAG Community Input Forum (Tuesday Dec. 15, 2020, 3:00-4:30pm EST/12:00-1:30pm PST)


We welcome the ExoPAG community to an ExoPAG Community Input Forum on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 3:00-4:30pm EST/ 12:00-1:30pm PST. The purpose of this forum is to provide an overview of the role of the Exoplanet Program Analysis Group (which is comprised of all of us, the members of the NASA Exoplanet science community!) in providing analyses to the Astrophysics Division as input to their decision making processes. Will also take the opportunity to review past “findings” (based on the results of such analyses) provided to NASA Headquarters, as well as discuss potential new findings of interest to members of the community.

To get to the proposed findings, people need to go to:

To submit a form response:

Please leave comments, proposed amendments, and endorsements of suggested findings by using the commenting feature in the shared document (see the document for more details).

Your suggestion will be transferred to the findings document for community review and comment. Findings with the most support will be discussed at the community forum. After review by the ExoPAG EC, proposed findings with strong community support will be presented to the ExoPAG for a vote at the January 5-6, 2021 virtual meeting (ExoPAG 23).

2) Exoplanets in our Backyard 1.5 at AGU (Dec. 16, 2020, 8am-1pm PT)

"Dear colleagues attending the virtual AGU meeting,

We’d like to invite you to join us on December 16th at 8am – 1pm PT / 11 am – 4 pm ET for Exoplanets in our Backyard 1.5, an AGU special Innovative Session. This session is intended to continue the conversations and collaborations fostered at the successful Exoplanets in our Backyard (EioB) meeting held in Feb 2020, which was the first ever inter-assessment group (AG) meeting, organized by members of VEXAG, OPAG, and ExoPAG. The half-day AGU Innovative Session for Exoplanets in our Backyard 1.5 will use the well-received format from the original EioB meeting, with special focus on laboratory, field, and observation studies. We hope you will join us!

This session will encourage participants to think about:

  • How can exoplanet and solar system scientists most effectively work together?
  • What tools and techniques can be shared across the exoplanet and solar system fields?
  • How we grow the community of interdisciplinary researchers, including early career scientists and researchers from underrepresented groups?
  • How can we enhance communication between the exoplanet and solar system communities?

When: Wednesday December 16, 2020, 8:00 am-1:00 pm SAN FRANCISCO TIME. (Please adjust for your time zone).

Link to program:

Session Organizers: Noam Izenberg (JHU APL) and Giada Arney (NASA GSFC)

AGENDA: (all times PST)

All talks will be given live.

  • 8:00 Opening remarks (5 min)
  • 8:05 Primer Session. This session echoes the style of the flagship session of our workshop, consisting of 3*20-minute invited overview talks on the major themes/areas of the meeting by subject matter experts, followed by a half-hour panel discussion involving the three speakers.
  • 8:05 Noam Izenberg - Exoplanets In Our Backyard - Bringing Solar System and Exosystem sciences together
  • 8:25 Stephen Kane - Why Studying the Solar System Planets is Absolutely Critical for the Future of Exoplanet Characterization and Understanding Habitability
  • 8:45 Erika Kohler - Laboratory and Virtual Models as Bridges between Solar System Planets and the Exoplanets.
  • 9:05 Panel Discussion (Izenberg, Kane, Kohler)
  • 9:35 Break (15 min)
  • 9:50 Topic Session introduction
  • 9:55 Topic Session: Laboratory, field, and observation work in support of Planetary and Exoplanetary observations and modeling. 4*15-minute talks, followed by a half-hour panel with all 4 speakers.
  • 9:55 Sara Port - Venus and Exo-Venus Atmospheric Chamber Experiments
  • 10:10 Sarah Hörst - Hazes and Exoplanetary Atmospheres in the Lab
  • 10:25 Britney Schmidt - Icy Moons in our Solar System and Icy Worlds Outside
  • 10:40 Laura Mayorga - The Jupiter System: An exoplanet testbed
  • 10:55 Panel Discussion (Port, Hörst, Schmidt, Mayorga)
  • 11:25 Break (5 min)
  • 11:30 Discussion Session: A 30 to 60-minute moderated open session on Exoplanets in our Backyard topics with questions to and from all speakers and the session attendees.

We hope to see you there!
Giada Arney & Noam Izenberg

P.S. Recorded presentations from the original Exoplanets in our Backyard meeting (including a public IMAX talk by Emily Lakdawalla) can be viewed at:"

3) Five Years After HL Tau: a New Era in Planet Formation (Dec. 7-11, 2020; Talks on YouTube)

Public contributed talks from this week's "Five Years After HL Tau" virtual conference can be watched on this YouTube channel:

ExoPAG News and Announcements - Archive

ExoPAG overview top image - PIA23002 K2-138 6 Planets Artwork