
Many organizations in addition to W3C develop standards for the Internet or the Web. In order coordinate the development of the Web, W3C engages in liaisons with numerous organizations after careful consideration of the costs and benefits.

Contact W3C about a new or existing liaison.

Liaison index → 3 • A • B • C • D • E • F • G H I • J • L N • O • S • T • U • V • W

Organization W3C Activities affected W3C contact Liaison contact
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project Multimodal Interaction, SMIL, SVG, Timed Text Multimodal: Kazuyuki Ashimura

SMIL: Thierry Michel
SVG: Chris Lilley
Timed Text: Philippe Le Hégaret

3GPPLiaison alias

Multimodal: Paolo Usai
SMIL: Paolo Usai
SVG: Tolga Capin, Paolo Usai
Timed Text: Paolo Usai

Annotating All Knowledge Coalition (Steering Committee) Digital Publishing Ivan Herman Maryann Martone, Dan Whaley
Access Board (US) WAI Judy Brewer David Capozzi
AIGA The Professional Association for Design OWEA Daniel Dardailler Ben Friedman
AFNOR (French ISO) Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler Jean Laurens
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) WAI Judy Brewer David Dikter
Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) Web of Things Dave Raggett Patrick Guillemin
Apache The Apache Software Foundation Open Source Eric Prud'hommeaux Apache board
Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Rakia Baccouche
Khedija Ghariani
Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) Timed Text,
Web and TV
Thierry Michel, Philippe Le Hégaret (Timed Text)
Kazuyuki Ashimura (Web and TV)
Masaru Takechi (Timed Text)
Joji Urano (Web and TV)
Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) Web and TV,
Timed Text
Kazuyuki Ashimura (Web and TV)
Philippe Le Hégaret (Timed Text)
Mark Richer
Michael Dolan
British Standards Institution (BSI) WAI Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zahra Jean Stride
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Generic Liaisons Privacy, WAI


Rigo Wenning, Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zahra, Daniel Dardailler John Ketchell
Barbara Gatti
CEN (ELSSI EMD) Semantic Web, Ontology development Eric Prud'hommeaux David Leal
CESI China Electronics Standardization Institute Generic Liaisons,

Web Services

Daniel Dardailler

Ms. Yuan Yuan

Consumer Technologies Association (CTA) Web and TV Yosuke Funahashi Michael Bergman
Continua Health Alliance Device API, Mobile, HCLS Dominique Hazael-Massieux Chuck Parker

Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente

DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) HTML,
Web and TV,
Michael[tm] Smith (HTML)
Kazuyuki Ashimura (Web and TV)
Philippe Le Hégaret (TTML)
Iraj Sodagar
Design For All and Assistive Technology Standardization Co-ordination Group (DATSCG) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Gill Whitney
Barbara Gatti
Digital TV Group HTML, CSS, Canvas Element, Media extensions, Web and TV, Testing. Kazuyuki Ashimura

Philipp Hoschka

Simon Gauntlett [DTG Technology Director], Chris Collis [Chair Security Group], George Robertson [Chair IP Delivery Group] , Ali Teffahi
DiploFoundation Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler Jovan Kurbalija
DCMI Dublin Core Accessibility Group Semantic Web, WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Liddy Nevile
DAISY Consortium WAI Judy Brewer George Kerscher
DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) HTML,

Web and TV

Daniel Dardailler

Kazuyuki Ashimura

Amol Bhagwat
Ecma International HTML, Web Apps, I18n, Security
Daniel Dardailler
Istvan Sebestyen

Josée Auber

ECHONET Consortium Multimodal Interaction

Kazuyuki Ashimura

Morio Hirahara
WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Dominique Burger
European Commission


DG Enterprise

Multistakeholder Platform


Generic Liaisons

Working Groups (as Invited Experts) and Community Groups

Judy Brewer

Philipp Hoschka

Rigo Wenning

Daniel Dardailler

Jeff Jaffe

Phil Archer

From Commissioner level to PO.

Legal issues related to Commission Staff participating in W3C activities are handled by the Central IP Service. EC-IPR@ec.europa.eu. (specific contact: Huseyin Kebapci).

European Disability Forum (EDF) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Nadège Riche
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Generic Liaisons (ICTSR, ICT MSP, Sophia Antipolis, ERCIM) Daniel Dardailler,

Rigo Wenning

Bernardo Correia

Margot Dor

Herman Brand

ETSI (ESO role) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra,

Judy Brewer

Mike Pluke, Gavin Craig, and Mathias Schneider for M376

ETSI MCD (Media Content Delivery) Web and TV. DAP Philipp Hoschka

Giuseppe Pascale

Chantal Bonardi
Federal Communications Commission (USA FCC) WAI Judy Brewer Karen Strauss
FIDO Alliance Security Wendy Seltzer Tony Nadalin
Financial Services Technology Consortium (FSTC) General Liaisons Ralph Swick Dan Schutzer, Executive Director (and AC Rep)
Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO) TechPolig Daniel Dardailler Trisha Meyer
Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ICT) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra, Judy Brewer Axel Leblois
GlobalPlatform Security, Ubiquitous Web Application Harry Halpin Gil Bernabeu (Technical Director)

Semantic Web

Phil Archer Steven R. Bratt (CTO)
GSM Association (GSMA) Mobile, Network Friendly CG Philipp Hoschka
J. Alan Bird
David Hutton (GSMA), Paul Gosden (GSMA TSG), Natasha Rooney (Overall Relationship)
Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) Web and TV Philipp Hoschka Peter MacAvock. Co-Chair HbbTV Requirements Group
ICTSR (EU Standard Roundtable)) General liaison/coordination

Daniel Dardailler

Bernardo Correia, ETSI Secretariat
International Imaging Industry Association (I3A) MMSem XG, DIG35 metadata standard, OWL conversion Raphaël Troncy,

Daniel Dardailler

James A. Peyton

(through Technical Liaison Group)

URI, IDN, Generic Liaisons Wendy Seltzer, Daniel Dardailler, Jeff Jaffe CEO, Chairman, board members, staff
International Color Consortium (ICC) Graphics Chris Lilley  Ann L McCarthy
International Disability Alliance (IDA) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Ellen Walker
ICT Standardization Steering Group, DG Enterprise Generic Liaisons, EU Recognition Rigo Wenning

Kiritkumar Lathia

Isabelle Valet-Harper

Anne Lehouck

International Digital Publishing Forum (EPUB/OpenEBook) - IDPF HTML, Style, Graphics, Rich Web Client, Video, I18N , WAI Michael(tm) Smith

Judy Brewer (WAI)

Chris Lilley (Graphics)

Bert Bos (Style)

Bill McCoy

Koji Ishii (CSS)

Jun Fujisawa (SVG)

International Digital Publishing Forum (EPUB/OpenEBook) - IDPF – AAL working group Style Bert Bos (Style) Brady Duga
IEEE Standards Generic Daniel Dardailler

Jeff Jaffe

Steve Mills (retired), Karen McCabe (OpenStand)
IEEE P23026 (Websites mgnt, same as SC7 JTC 1)

HTML, CSS, WAI,Privacy

Daniel Dardailler Annette Reilly, WG Chair
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Security, Privacy, HTML, Rich Web Applications, Real-Time Communications


Philippe Le Hégaret, Wendy Seltzer
see also: public-ietf-w3c

Daniel Dardailler

Jeff Jaffe

Mark Nottingham

Leslie Daigle, Russ Housley (OpenStand)

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Generic Liaisons, Followup to WSIS

Wendy Seltzer

Shadi Abou-Zahra

IGF UN Secretary, chair
IGF Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards (DCOS) Open Standardization Daniel Dardailler DCOS coordinator
IGF Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Andrea Saks, Alexandra Gaspari
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. WAI Judy Brewer Jutta Treviranus
INCITS Study Group on Accessibility WAI Judy Brewer

Ms. Andi Snow-Weaver

Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Web of Things Dave Raggett

Stephen Mellor

IPTV Forum Japan Web and TV, HTML, DAP, WebApps

Kazuyuki Ashimura (Web and TV, HTML), Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (DAP),

Doug Schepers (WebApps)

Shozo Fukui
International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) MMSem XG, OWL conversion, RDFa Raphaël Troncy,

Ivan Herman

Misha Wolf

Michael Steidl

ISO JTC 1 PAS status, ARO Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler Norbert Bensalem, PAS Mentor, IBM

Karen Higginbottom JTC 1 secretary

ISO JTC1/SC2 and its WG2

(Class C Liaison)

I18N Richard Ishida Mike Ksar

(Class C Liaison)

Graphics Chris Lilley Jean Stride

(Class C Liaison)

XML and Dublin Core Liam Quin Jim Melton
ISO JTC1/ SC 34 OOXML, ODF XML Liam Quin Mohamed Zergaoui
ISO JTC1 SC35 WG6 WAI Judy Brewer Janina Sajka

(Class C Liaison)

Graphics, PNG


Chris Lilley

David Singer

Yukiko Ogura


(Class C Liaison)

Graphics, MMSem XG, WebApps, Web and TV

Fonts, Timed Text

Philippe Le Hégaret (Timed Text)
Chris Lilley (SVG, Fonts)

Raphaël Troncy (MMSem XG chair)

Doug Schepers (WebApps)

Kazuyuki Ashimura (Web and TV)

Dr. Jean-Claude Dufourd

See the XG liaison statement

Shinji Watanabe

Secretary, SC 29

Vladimir Levantovsky

ISO TC 68/ WG 4

(Class D Liaison)

Web Services (on ISO side: Financial services)

Steve Ross-Talbot (WS-CDL)

Yves Lafon

Matthew Rawlings
ISO TC 68, TG1 (Card standards) and WG10 (mobile financial services)

(Class D Liaison)

Web Payments (on ISO side: Financial services) Ian Jacobs Clément CHEVAUCHÉ
ISO 20022 Registration Management Group.

(Class D Liaison)

Web Payments Ian Jacobs Lauren Jones
ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 10 WebOfThings Dave Raggett

Sangkeun YOO

ISOC Generic Jeff Jaffe Kathy Brown
ITIC WAI Judy Brewer Ken Saelets,
Don Deutsch
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler, Shadi Abou-Zahra Alexandra Gaspari, Various ITU staff
ITU-T Focus Group on Driver Distraction Multimodal Interaction Kazuyuki Ashimura Scott Pennock ITU-T
ITU-T JCA-COP (Child Protection) Semantic Web, POWDER Phil Archer Ashley Heineman Chair JCA-COP
ITU-T JCA-AHF and Q16/26 WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Yushi Naito

SG 16 Chairman

ITU-T Group 13 Multimoal Kazuyuki Ashimura Gyu Myoung Lee
ITU-T Group 16 IPTV eHealth, Web and TV, Web-based Signage

Kazuyuki Ashimura

Shigeya Suzuki

SG16 Secretariat (Simão Campos, Rosa Angeles-León de Vivero)
ITU-T Group 17 Security, WebApp, HTML Daniel Dardailler Martin Euchner
IW3C2 International WWW Conference Committee Communications Ivan Herman Wendy Hall
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, X 8341-3 Working Group 2 WAI Judy Brewer, Shadi Abou-Zahra Makoto Ueki (InfoAxia)
LEADing Practice Linked Data

Generic Liaisons & Open Standards

Daniel Dardailler Prof. Mark von Rosing,

Paul Lombardi

Linux Foundation Core Infrastructure Initiative Security Wendy Seltzer Emily Ratliff
National Information Society Agency (NIA) WAI Judy Brewer Joon-Ho Hyun
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)

W3C Member

Generic Liaisons,




SVG (ODF liaison)

Doug Schepers (SVG, ODF)

Daniel Greenwood (MIT), LegalXML eContracts Committee

Digital Signatures Extended (DSS-X) TC: Juan Carlos Cruellas
eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC: Hal Lockhart
Security Services (SAML) TC: Hal Lockhart
Web Services Federation TC: Mike McIntosh (through Bruce Rich)
Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) TC: Hal Lockhart, Frederick Hirsch

Scott McGrath, OASIS, Senior Director of Member Services
Michael Brauer, ODF TC
Rob Weir, ODF TC

Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) Web and TV, DAP, Testing, Web of Things (WoT), Multimodal Interaction (MMI) Kazuyuki Ashimura
Dave Raggett
Michael Richmond,
Clarke Stevens,
David McCall,
Scott Lofgren,
Daniel Park
OECD ITAC Generic Liaisons, Privacy, Open Standard Daniel Dardailler

Rigo Wenning, Wendy Seltzer

Christine Runnegar, ISOC

Bill Graham, ISOC

Open Grid Forum (OGF) Web Services, Semantic Web Daniel Dardailler  David De Roure
OMA Open Mobile Alliance

(through MoU with OMA)

CSS, Graphics HTML, Multimodal Interaction, Mobile Web Initiative Federated Social Web Chris Lilley,Dominique Hazael-Massieux, ,Harry Halpin(Federated Social Web) Kieran McAleese

Kimmo Halonen

Mobile Web Initiative: Jari Alvinen

Federated Social Web: Goix Laurent Walter

Victoria Gray.

Object Management Group (OMG) Web Services, DOM Philippe Le Hégaret James Nemiah
Open eBook Forum (OeBF) WAI Judy Brewer  
Open GIS Consortium (OGC) SVG Chris Lilley, Ralph Swick

Ivan Herman

Carl Reed, Ron Lake

Raj Singh

OpenMath Society MathML Daniel Dardailler

David Carlisle

OPC Foundation Web of Things (WoT) Dave Raggett Stefan Hoppe
OpenSocial Foundation Technology and Society Harry Halpin

John Mertic, Andy Smith

Mark Weitzel

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Technology and Society


Privacy, TAG

Wendy Seltzer Sebastien Deleersnyder
Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) Semantic Web, eGov Ivan Hermann James Hendler
SMPTE SYMM, Timed Text Thierry Michel,Philippe Le Hégaret Mike Dolan
The Open Group Generic Liaisons, WebOfThings

Daniel Dardailler,

Dave Raggett

 Scott Hansen; Chris Harding
Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Web and TV Kazuyuki Ashimura,
Daniel Davis
DongHoon Lee
Trillium-II Data Eric Prud'hommeaux  Harold Solbrig
Unicode I18N Richard Ishida  Mark Davis
UN/CEFACT Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler  Stuart Feder
UNESCO I18N, WAI, Generic Liaisons Daniel Dardailler, Richard Ishida, Shadi Abou-Zahra Axel Plathe, Claudio Menezes, Irmgarda Kasinskaite
Vendorcom Forum Web Payments J. Alan Bird Paul Rogers
VoiceXML Forum

(through MoU with VoiceXML Forum)

Voice Browser, Multimodal Interaction Kazuyuki Ashimura Michelle Hunt
Web Accessibility Benchmarking (WAB) Cluster WAI Shadi Abou-Zahra Eric Velleman, Carlos Velasco, Mikael Snaprud, Dominique Burger
Web3D Web3D Consortium


Graphics Generic Liaisons Chris Lilley Don Brutzman
The World Bank
Web Payments
Ian Jacobs Harish Natarajan, Thomas Lammer, Balakrishnan Mahadevan

Mission of W3C International Liaisons

W3C is determined to improve W3C's liaisons with international organizations in the areas of policy and standardization and to reinforce W3C's commitment to developing one Web for all. The W3C staff provides the leadership to coordinate and to empower W3C Offices. The staff acts as a catalyst and enabler for both the W3C management team and the Offices, with whom it shares best practices and resources.

International Relations focuses on spreading W3C's messages and technologies beyond the Consortium's usual geographical and Web community frontiers. We pursue the vision and plan outlined in the white paper Worldwide Participation in the World Wide Web Consortium with the goal of making it easier for new stakeholders to discover and participate in W3C's work and values.

Contacting W3C to Establish a Liaison

To inquire about W3C liaisons and partnerships, please send email to team-liaisons@w3.org which will reach Daniel Dardailler, Jeff Jaffe, and other W3C staff members active in the liaisons area. Please see the public International Relations page of W3C for background. We have additional specific information about participation in W3C by EU-funded projects.

For relationships between W3C and government driven organizations like ISO, ITU, EU normalization (ETSI, CEN), UN efforts like IGF/WSIS, national bodies (ANSI, AFNOR, etc.), and for Internet Governancel liaison activities with other Internet organizations like IETF, ICANN, ISOC, NMI, GIPO, etc., please cc Daniel Dardailler in any case. If you prefer private communication, please contact Daniel Dardailler.

About the Liaison Table

Each entry in the table above includes:

  • the name of the organization, linked to its homepage. In addition, formal agreements, like MoU, should be listed here.
  • the W3C activities or technologies affected by the liaison
  • one or several contact names within W3C
  • one or several liaison contact names (preferrably using an http URL, rather than a mailto)

For more information about a particular liaison, please refer to the contact page for the listed individual(s).

When an organization wants to send an ingoing liaison statement to W3C, it should send it to team-liaisons@w3.org, CCing the W3C staff in contact incidated the table above, and assume that this statement will potentially be shared with the entire W3C membership.

Considerations When Establishing a Liaison

W3C finds its liaisons fall into two categories:

We list both types of liaisons in the table above. Per the W3C Process Document, all liaisons, of any kind, must be coordinated by the Team due to requirements for public communication, IPR or confidentiality policies. Mutual membership agreements are also possible.

W3C may choose not to pursue a liaison with an organization that has selective or arbitrary membership policies that serve only to benefit pre-existing or dominant members.

To request any information about W3C liaisons, please send a brief email to the liaison contact.

Simple liaisons

In general, the goal of a simple liaison is for both parties to gain a better understanding of their respective activities and look for opportunities to work together. For example, W3C appreciates understanding how other organizations use W3C technology, whether they require extensions, the proper way to manage those extensions, how to bring extensions back into W3C, and so on. Other organizations may find a simple liaison valuable for soliciting W3C input on a Web-related question.

Most often, W3C establishes simple liaisons with non-profit organizations, other standards bodies, or any other entity that may wish to build consensus around an emerging Web technology. Simple liaisons are active as soon as both partie agree to make the information public in this page.

Formal Agreements for Joint Work

In some cases, W3C is asked to establish a formal liaison that has a contractual framework, either because there are joint deliverables, or an agreed share of technical responsibilities with coordination, with considerations for confidentiality, shared press coverage, or IPR.

While W3C supports all liaisons with other groups, the organization and development of these formal liaisons requires time and resources, and the agreement of the W3C membership at large, so. W3C's decision to pursue a liaison with a Partner is ultimately based on the perceived costs and benefits.

For an historical record of how Formal Liaisons are created, please see the 2003 Process Document, which used to described the details (no longer the case in the current Process).

W3C and De Jure Standards

This section describes some of W3C's relationships with de jure bodies such as ISO, in addition to the direct technical activity liaisons mentioned above.

W3C is an "ISO/IEC JTC 1 PAS" Submitter

At the end of October 2010, W3C was approved as a JTC 1 Recognized PAS Submitter for an overall scope defined as "any stable core Web technologies produced by W3C that are also in scope of JTC 1". The PAS process is standard transposition procedure whereby organizations accredited as valid PAS Submitters can send their specifications directly for country voting, to become ISO/IEC standards. See the W3C PAS Submission FAQ.

W3C Approved RS Originator Organization (ARO) Status for ISO/JTC1

In January 2007, W3C became an Approved RS Originator Organization (ARO) for ISO/JTC1. This means that ISO/JTC1 standards may refer to W3C Recommendations "as-is." That process is described in the Letter Ballot on the JTC 1 Standing Document on Normative References

For more information about W3C's ARO or PAS status, please contact Daniel Dardailler <danield@w3.org>.