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Herbert Island description and information

Herbert Links
From Wood and Kienle (1990): "Herbert is a classic stratovolcano with a 2.1-km-wide caldera, which the topographic map indicates is breached to the northwest. Radar images do not show the breach. No geologic studies have been published on this volcano. A grab sample from the tip of the island's southwest point is an andesite (59% SiO2, with 0.82% K2O)."
Official Name: Herbert Island
Type:Stratovolcano with caldera and linear ridge
Most Recent Activity:
Seismically Monitored: No
Elevation: 4232 ft (1290 m)
Latitude: 52.741° N
Longitude:170.113° W
CAVW Number:1101-22-
Pronunciation: Sound file
Synonyms:Herbert Island
Chegulak island
Chuginak island
Chuguliak island
Tchagulak island
Tchegoulak island
Ishugid island
Ullyagin island
Ulyaga island
URL: www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes/volcinfo.php
Page modified: June 4, 2012 14:33
Contact Information: AVO Web Team

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