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Amukta Island description and information


Official Name: Amukta Island
Most Recent Activity:March 2, 1997
Seismically Monitored: No
Elevation: 3497 ft (1066 m)
Latitude: 52.49419° N
Longitude:171.25476° W
CAVW Number:311190
Pronunciation: Sound file
Nearby towns:Attu Station 88 mi (142 km) NW
Nikolski 104 mi (168 km) NE
Shemya Station 121 mi (194 km) NW
Atka 126 mi (203 km) SW
Anchorage 999 mi (1607 km) NE
From Miller and others (1998): "The undissected stratovolcano of Amukta volcano composes most of nearly circular, 7.7-km-wide Amukta Island. The cone, about 5.8 km in basal diameter and topped by a 0.4 km wide summit crater, appears on synthetic-aperture radar imagery to be built on a 300+ meter high, east-west trending arcuate ridge. Extensions of that ridge on the southwest and east sides of the island indicate an older caldera approximately 6 km in diameter and open to the sea on the south side. No hot springs or fumaroles have been reported from Amukta. Sekora (1973, p. 29) reports the presence of a cinder cone near the northeastern shore of the island."
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Page modified: June 12, 2014 07:20
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